10 Excellent Home Remedies For Cough And Cold

honey home remedy for cold and cough


Cough and cold which is a very common illness, especially in children, if not treated properly may lead to viral fever, heavy cough, and cold.

cough can help keep your throat clear from unwanted bacteria and other irritants. However, frequent coughing can be a symptom of other conditions such as

  • Allergy
  • throat infection
  • the viral, bacterial infection

Besides medicines, here are some home remedies which can cure a cold and cough effectively.

honey home remedy for cold and cough

1. Honey with Ginger

This home remedy is an excellent way and I think, the very first option is to get rid of cough, which is specially used in India for cough.

Honey is a good option for sore throat that has been used as medicine from generation to generation.

A Studie shows that honey can relieve cough more effectively than OTC medicines that contain dextromethorphan which is a cough suppressant.

Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect that may reduce inflammation in the throat.

One study showed that ginger can relax the muscles of the airways.

How to make

  • Take a ginger piece, roast them for 1 minute
  • Take one honey in a spoon and put roasted ginger in it.
  • Chew it properly, so that the ginger juice can be applied to the throat.

You can also try its tea or warm lemon water mixed with honey is a time-honored way to soothe a sore throat. And ginger and tulsi tea are excellent in winter.

2. Saltwater Gargle

If you looking for a fast cure to remove foreign irritant viruses, and bacteria, which cause sore throat and cough, so gargle saltwater might be a good option.

But it’s not a cure, gargling with warm salt water is one of those remedies that are so commonly used by many people, especially as used in covid-19.

NOTE: Even, Yoga also says clear that saline liquid really helps at losing mucus.

Gargling with warm salt water probably reduces swelling, and can help soothe a scratchy throat that causes you to cough.

  • Mix half tbsp of salt, into a cup of warm water, and mix it well. now start gargling.
  • Do this 2 to 3 times a day.

The extra moisture can thin mucus and help wash out things that irritate your throat, much like a saline rinse does for the nose.

A study in 2016 showed that a saltwater rinse could also increase certain proteins that help heal inflamed tissue.

NOTE: Children under the age of 6 are not particularly good at gargling, therefore, it would be good to try other measures besides this remedy.

3. Black wheat flour

This home remedy is personally given by my mother to me for dry cough. (In dry cough, there is irritation in the throat, which may create difficulty in sleeping.)

Black wheat flour is hot, it reduces the soreness in the throat to a great extent.

NOTE: Cough can be caused by both cold and hot. if the cough is hot, then taking home remedies of hot nature can aggravate the cough.

So if this happening to you, then try some cold-natured food too, which may help with the cough.

4. Black Pepper, Dry Ginger, Paan, and Tulsi (Basil)

The combination of dry ginger, black pepper, paan, and tulsi are all wonderful herbs and easily available in the household, sometimes the pan may not available.

Black pepper is the best home remedy for colds and coughs, because of its high antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.

And reduce bad cholesterol, and improve blood sugar levels (2).

Ginger – If you have a cough, and cold, ginger tea is a great choice. This hot liquid can reduce irritation, dryness, and mucus in your throat (3).

Paan is packed with the goodness of antibiotics that help in easing constant cough.

Also, ease phlegm and reduce the inflammation caused due to coughing (4).

Tulsi contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergy properties, which can help in relieving cough and cold symptoms.

And can boost the production of antibodies.

How to make your own home-remedy

  • Boil all these ingredients in water for about 10 minutes
  • Strain it and drink it.

If it is too pungent, add a little piece of jaggery to it, must take a liquid twice a day at least, that could really help you.

5. Ginger Juice, Honey, and Haldi

The combination of these homemade remedies is the best option to get rid of cough.

Honey – has soothing effects, which tame rough coughs.

Ginger juice – contains certain volatile oils that can help awaken your taste buds and has anti-inflammatory properties, which act as a pain reliever (5).

Also rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help increase the body’s immunity, along with it also providing heat to the body, especially good in winter.

Haldi – has an antiviral, antibacterial agent that can help fight infection. And anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving cough and cold (6).

It is a strong immunity booster.

How to make

  • Take a spoonful of honey, put drops of fresh ginger juice in it
  • Now, add some half teaspoon of Haldi in it, mix it well
  • Sip it slowly, so that its works on the throat

6. Jaggery, Ginger powder, and Turmeric

If a person has a dry cough, then they must try this remedy, this combination is going to work well.

Jaggery – It has been proven that the warming effect in jaggery makes it amazing, especially in wintertime, and highly effective against seasonal cough and cold.

Turmeric – Contains curcumin, which helps in removing the chest mucus, which causes congestion in the chest, and healing properties kill bacteria and treat cough and cold.

Curcumin (a yellow-colored chemical), is often used in the field of cosmetics, food coloring, and medicine.

The anti-inflammatory quality of turmeric makes your skin better or clearer by targeting pores and also reducing dark spots.

How to make its laddu

  • Take 1 tbsp jaggery, put little turmeric in it, and a little ginger powder
  • Mix them well, and make a roll.
  • Kept it in my mouth and slowly sucked it

If you have a sore throat then add little ghee to it, which is an excellent treatment for dry cough and cold.

7. Over Night Remedy

A girl taking steam

The home remedies given here are very useful for relieving cough and cold symptoms, which you should do on regular basis.

Taking steam

Breathing steam may help with coughing because it moisturizes your airways, you can also add essential oil into the water for extra comfort.

With enhanced blood circulation, and toxins being pushed out in just one steaming session, you can sense a decrease in the congestion level.

Precautions while taking steam

  • Cover your eyes
  • Fan, Ac, and cooler must be closed
  • Do not throw the towel immediately, after steaming, wait a few seconds

Drink Hot water

Drinking warm water in the morning really helps in bowel movement, if a person suffers from constipation, they must try this remedy.

Water helps in removing toxins from the system, and gives a soothing effect to the body, especially drinking lukewarm water.

More on – Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach In The Morning

Some more Tips for a Good Night Sleep

  • Stay away from bananas and salad, because it cold nature foods
  • Keep multi handy at night, instantly control cough
  • Avoid fried food, because it contains lots of oil, and other harmful ingredients, that make your cough and cold worse.
  • Sleep on the left side, which keep the cough in control
  • Proactive kapalbhati relieves congestion
  • Avoid fruit juice, if you have a cough, due to cold, and not, so carry on.

8. Stop Doing These Mistakes

It is observed that many people doing these mistakes are more prone to cough and cold. here are some mistakes include:

Sitting under the fan

Especially after a bath, and sleeping directly in front of the cooler, or AC highly disturbs your sinuses, which causes a runny nose, and sore throat.

It is better to cover your head, and ear with a scarf while sleeping, which would save you from getting in trouble.

Drinking water immediately after coming from outside

Goldwater is good, but when it is consumed after 5 to 10 minutes, many people do these mistakes, so that is why the cold and cough affect them more.


Really, our intestine is directly linked to our body parts, constipation is the root cause of many diseases like colds and coughs.

If a person suffering from a cold and cough, he has to see that his elementary canal is clear, that is why eats rich fiber food like:

  • Papaya
  • berries
  • avocado
  • apple

Learn More About – Home-Remedies To Help Relieve Constipation Naturally

Bath Immediately After Waking Up

Once you wake do some exercise, like yoga, or asanas, after exercise drink lukewarm water, which evacuates your bowel, and then finish with a morning walk. And then go for a bath.

Eating and Drinking frozen food

Cold food and drinking directly affect your alimentary canal mouth the stomach and they irritate the inner lining, which will definitely cause cold, and cough.

So avoid, cold freeze food, or frozen food, whenever you take something out of the freezer, keep it out for at least an hour to your food.

Not Drying Hair, After Bath

Remember, if your head s wet, it will definitely attract a cold, which directly affects your sinuses, and which you will catch a cold and cough.

The head should be properly dry.


Drinking warm water in the morning really helps in bowel movement, if a person suffers from constipation, they must try this remedy.

Ginger with honey is one of the excellent home remedies for cough and cold.

Cough can be caused by both cold and hot. if the cough is hot, then taking home remedies of hot nature can aggravate the cough.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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