8 Foods You Didn’t Know Could Lead To Miscarriage

pineapple in hand

Miscarriage And Reasons

Miscarriage is well known for pregnancy loss, and natural abortion, which is different from medical or surgical abortions.

In this, the death of the womb or fetus happens before birth, and even 80% of miscarriages happen in 1st trimester (1)

During pregnancy, a baby is only relying on the mother to provide her with the nutrients she needs to develop and be healthy.

There are several reasons for miscarriage which include:

Uterine abnormality – If you have an irregular shape of the uterus, and cervical insufficiency, then it may contribute to premature birth, and miscarriage.

Medical Issues – Generally high sugar level (diabetes), thyroid, PCOD, hyperprolactinemia, and obesity, which play a vital role in miscarriage.

Autoimmune disorders – Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome, where the body mistakenly produces antibiotics to make more blood clots.

It will not the baby grow and that is one of the comment reason for pregnancy loss, however, there are other several reasons which includes:

  • Nutrient deficiency is found that may impact pregnancy and somewhere leads to miscarriage with other issues.
  • chemical exposure
  • age
  • tobacco use in any form like smoking, gutka, excessive alcohol consumption
  • certain medicines
  • morning sickness
  • caffeine
  • radiation therapy treatment like in cancer
  • Cocaine use increases the rate of miscarriage

Is Really Food Could Lead To Miscarriage?

pineapple in hand
Pinapple May Lead To Miscarrieg

There are a lot of misconceptions, and no clear study suggests that really is foods that lead to miscarriage

However, it highly suggests that during the first 1st trimester of pregnancy avoid the consumption of hot nature food.

Food was generally considered hot and cold nature food, and most of the women admitted that pregnancy is a hot stage.

The consumption of hot food during pregnancy can cause harm to the unborn and the mother and leads to miscarriage.

Cold food has a cooling effect on the body during pregnancy, however, hot food is also essential after delivery.

It will help the mother to recover fast from labor, flushing out toxins, helping in body acne, as well as increasing milk secretion.

Cold food or drink during breastfeeding can cause diarrhea, decrease milk secretion, and transfer the common cold to the baby from the mother.

8 Foods That Could Lead To Miscarriage?

80% of miscarriages happen in 1st trimester, and most of the women even don’t know, so avoid these foods during 1 trimester of pregnancy

Some certain foods and beverages should avoid during pregnancy, which may lead to miscarriage include:


Dr. Asha from Umang hospital says that – eggs are safe during pregnancy but in moderation.

Eggs nature is hot, so consuming a high amount, especially in 1st trimester may lead to several pregnancy issues.

But if consumed 2 to 4 eggs a day, can lead to problems of indigestion, and acidity, but it does not cause abortion.

It is rich in calcium, proteins, and vitamin D, which is essential for a baby’s brain, heart, muscle, bone, and teeth development.

Keep in mind, eggs should always be consumed boiled, raw eggs may contain live bacteria which is not good for the mother and baby’s health.


Studies indicate that pineapple contains bromelain (a type of proteolytic enzyme) this enzyme make uterine tissue soft and leads to miscarriage.

However, other studies reveal that bromelain is found on pineapple core, in very little quantity, and isn’t likely to impact during pregnancy.

Bromelain is also available in medicine and is not considered to be intake during pregnancy.

Organ Meat

Eating meat, liver, etc, may cause miscarriage, and birth defects, especially in 1st trimester, because of the high levels of certain vitamin A.

Studies have shown that increased vitamin A in the mother’s blood during 1st trimester is allied with miscarriage and functional anomalies.

But sufficient vitamin A is essential to the normal development of unborn babies (6)

In addition, eating meat (mutton) during pregnancy might cause long hair over the body of the baby, so avoid it (7)


A study, results suggest that normal consumption of ripe papaya during pregnancy may not lead to danger.

However, unripe papaya which contains a high level of latex that produces marked uterine contractions could be unsafe during pregnancy.

A UK-based study showed that lower intakes of fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy, and chocolate were allied with increased odds of a miscarriage.

A report shown in Tamil Nadu In India showed that about 82% of women among 12,00 women avoid papaya during pregnancy (4)

According to the research gate study, papaya also contains an enzyme called papain which decreases the level of progesterone (a vital hormone to maintain pregnancy)

In addition, food that has a sticky appearance such as jackfruit, and banana were not consumed during pregnancy.

Because this food may create hinder the cleaning of the greasy material called (vernix) over the newborn baby’s body.


Flaxseeds during Pregnancy may have undesirable effects because they contain phytoestrogens, which act similarly to the female sex hormone estrogen.

Consuming sesame seeds in excess during 1st trimester of pregnancy are dangerous because it may induce uterine contraction.

According to the International Journal of Scientific research shown that fenugreek seed may induce uterine contraction, and leads to miscarriage.

Each seed is not the same as the other and has its own unique nutritional health benefits and they are a brilliant alternative to nuts.

Alcohol and Smoking

Drinking alcohol while pregnant can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and may cause other effects on your unborn baby including:

  • Poor growth
  • lack of attention
  • low birth weight
  • the brain does not work properly
  • birth defects
  • problems with the heart, bones, and other body function
  • delayed development
  • small head size
  • on long-term, social & behavioral problem

If a woman is planning for pregnancy, then she should keep in mind that there is no safe limit for the consumption of alcohol (4)

Smoking makes it harder for women to get pregnant, and In men, it can cause erectile dysfunction (3)

Possibly yes, that smoking and alcohol consumption can prevent the development of the baby, and oxygen supply, which leads to miscarriage.

Several studies or reports by, CDC, who organization reveal that they both are harmful to babies (5)


There are some research papers showing that a huge amount of caffeine during pregnancy can increase the risk of abortion.

It is true that consuming a high amount of caffeinated drinks, especially during 1st trimester can lead to several pregnancy issues.

However, new study-based data suggest that caffeine in coffee and soft drink won’t raise the risk miscarriage of or premature birth.

During pregnancy, an American college of obstetricians and Gynecologists has considered 200 mg to be safe for pregnant women (3)

A result of a study found that a pregnant women’s consumption of 100 mg of caffeine per/day was allied with a 3.0% increase in the difficulty of LBW.

So it would be great to consume a moderate amount, especially in 1st trimester, and consult your healthcare provider before consuming it.

However, data and doctors suggest, there is a clear need for more research on the link between overall diet and pregnancy loss.

Other foods

There are some other foods that you often consumed in your regular diet that may actually harmful to pregnancy are:

  • Aloe vera
  • cheese may cause infection in the placenta, which may increase the chance of early birth, and miscarriage
  • sprouted potatoes

The placenta is a temporary organ that forms in a pregnant woman’s uterus.

Which is connected to the mother’s uterine wall to provide nutrients and oxygen to the baby through the umbilical cord.

What Are Good Choices of Food and Drinks Prevent Miscarriage?

Prevention of miscarriage can sometimes be an effective way to decrease the chance of miscarriage and other pregnancy issues.

However, a majority of miscarriages cannot be prevented, but there are certain things that you can do to prevent pregnancy loss including:

  • Proper diet intake
  • taking folic acid supplements 2-3 months before pregnancy
  • avoid smoking, and alcohol (any form of tobacco)
  • lose your excess weight, and comes under BMI
  • avoid x-ray and any radion therapy before planning pregnancy
  • avoid, cocoine, excessive use of caffeine
  • if you are on medication, then talk to your doctor before going to the pregnancy planning.

If we talk about what food should you eat during pregnancy for a healthy baby which includes:

  • Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, etc
  • water should be consumed to prevent dehydration
  • legumes
  • sweet potatoes
  • eggs, but a boiled egg, and in a moderate amount
  • green leaf vegetables
  • berries
  • avocado
  • cold nature foods, like cucumber, and watermelon juice are also good.
  • fishes, like salmon, and tuna (in moderate amounts because it high in iron)

All these food and drinks consumption should be in moderate amount, more than that, may leads to pregnancy issue.

Down Line

Food and beverages are all good for health, but when it is consumed in moderate amount. An excess amount may lead to health issues.

There are several foods that lead to miscarriage due to their hot nature, and most women admitted that pregnancy is a hot stage.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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