Benefits Of Shirodhara: How It Is Done, Oil Ingredients, And Side Effects



Shirodhara benefits is a type of massage therapy, which is a unique Indian traditional technique to relax your mind for decades of decades.

This word is gotten from two Sanskrit words – ‘Shiro‘ means head and ‘Dhara‘ means Stream or flow. together, it means to pour or drip oil on the forehead in a consistent stream.

Its belief that our mind, body, and soul are part of singular universal energy and this therapy has been designed for this.

It is considered one of the most essential remedies mentioned in Ayurveda which can not only rejuvenate and purify the body but also relieve mental stress, and many disorders.

Its clinical benefits have been observed by vaidyas in thousands of patients (1).



It is said that Shirodhara has a soothing and calming effect on the body and mind also warm oil plays a vital role to reduce your mental fatigue at extending level.

For Brain Health

Shirodhara reduces stress and anxiety. how? the whole game is about pouring constant lukewarm oil at one point on the forehead.

The oil falling continuously on the forehead produces a soothing sensation on the muscles of the head, whose effect travels through the nerves to the brain.

Due to this, there is a decrease in the level of serotonin and calming of the mind, which causes relieving stress.

Apart from this, calming the hypothalamus, and helping in treating conditions like insomnia and hypertension.

Improves concentration. how? This therapy acts as a natural stress reliever, and above the forehead, oil massage clears brain toxicity and improves concentration and memory (2).

A report shows that a 35-year-old female was suffering from sleep deprivation, loss of concentration, and irritable mood symptoms, and was treated with Shirodhara for 14 days continuously with sesame oil.

The results were very positive in stress biomarkers, and POMS and even no adverse effects were observed during treatment.

Promote Better Sleep Quality

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects an estimated 30% of the general population (3). It is characterized by difficulty sleeping.

A study where Shirodhara with Brahmi oil was done for 45 minutes on the participant for 5 continuous days seems beneficial for moderate to severe insomnia.

Even not seen an adverse event were reported during the study (4).

Regular lack of sleep affects your overall health negatively, and one common reason for lack of sleep is stress, so make managing your stress.

Shirodhara therapy is quite excellent in reducing stress by lowering the level of cortisol level and improving the quality and duration of sleep (5).

Learn More About – Sleepwalking.

For Eyes

As we read Shirodhara is very excellent for mental health, but there is no such evidence that proves it is also good for eye vision.

However, herbal oil used for massage may help in treating many health conditions including:

  • Memory loss
  • insomnia
  • eye diseases
  • allergy
  • hearing damage
  • gray or white hair
  • nasal problem
  • certain skin problems.

It also helps exfoliate dead skin cells, relax muscular tension, and balance doshas in the body. 

Ayurveda says the ‘Ajna Marma’ is the key point through which a vital life force or ‘Prana’ flows also known as the center of intuition and is called the ‘Third-Eye Chakra’ too.

Increase Blood Circulation

These therapies produce powerful vasodilatory effects on the body.

When the warm oil falls on the center of the forehead it activities the agnya chakra which assists with improving blood circulation (6)

Scientific studies have shown that Shirodhara is effective in reducing heart rate, mean diastolic blood pressure, and stress levels.

Additionally, reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients suffering from essential hypertension (7).

Improves blood pressure and brings it to a stable blood level, which also promotes heart health and less chance of heart disease.

Learn More About – Yoga For Healthy Heart and Food To Eat And Avoid

For Hair

Oil is the best way to keep your hair healthy, smooth, shiny, and thick so make sure to apply oil on hair at least 2 times a week.

In Shirodhara therapy, the herbal oil goes to your hair through the forehead, where the oil is absorbed by your scalp, which promotes hair growth.

Different herbal oil and their properties enhance your hair root strength, encourage the hair follicles, and treat hair issues – premature greying of hair or hair fall.

Learn More About – Essential Oil For Healthy, And Strong Hair

Helpful in Chronic Headaches and Migraines

Which oil being used in Shirodhara therapy should have strong antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, which will reduce headaches by relaxing the blood vessels in the head.

Sesame oil is rich in vitamin E, which may help to stabilize estrogen levels and prevent migraine headaches during your period “says Palinski”.

Dr. Vinod P. Nair says that Shirodhara cures psychosomatic disorders by inducing relaxation techniques by triggering peripheral nerves in the brain.

Learn More About – Home Remedies To Cut Down Your Headache.

How Is It Done? and Duration

You will be lying down and lukewarm oil dropped to your head for a certain time and height, which will go through your forehead to your hair.

Oil will gently drip through a small hole in the bottom of the bowl, which will fall between your eyebrows.

Now is your turn, calm down your mind, feel sensation, and just relax your whole body.

During the process, you will also be given a light head massage.

What about duration? both the duration and the days are determined according to the age of the person, health condition, and the severity of the disease.

Shirodhara can be done for a minimum of 7 days to a maximum of 28 days.

A healthy person can also try it. the time between 30 to 90 minutes you can choose 2, 3, or 6 days.

Oil Ingredients

Oils are the main ingredient in it, and general buttermilk, coconut water, herbal oils, and milk are used as the ingredient of the liquid.

Sesame oil is widely used in this as it is a relatively neutral oil and mixes well with essential oil and is sometimes used to enhance the experience.

Also, the most commonly used Shirodhara oil is Ksheer Bala tailam, which is made from a mixture of sesame oil, Bala herb paste, and cow’s milk.

Other liquids are also used include:

  • Coconut oil
  • ghee
  • mahanarayan oil
  • ksheerbala oil
  • water
  • buttermilk
  • animal milk

What About – Possible Side Effect

Although there are no side effects, it is advisable to cover your eyes during this process so that the oil does not get into the eyes.

In certain situations, people may also feel dizziness, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, allergy, or fever.

So it is strictly advised to get the procedure done in a certified ayurvedic clinic by a professional therapist.


Oil will gently drip through a small hole in the bottom of the bowl, which will fall between your eyebrows.

Shirodhara benefits like soothing and calming effects on the body, also warm oil plays a vital role to reduce your mental fatigue at extending level.

It is quite excellent in reducing stress by lowering the level of cortisol level and improving the quality and duration of sleep.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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