Blood donation is a good thing it prevents you from many diseases. And you’re one blood donation can save many lives.
In COVID, the world was facing a crisis, which impacted the blood donation banks and transfusion services.
There are many health benefits with some side effects, In many countries, blood donations are unpaid.
A rule was removed in India in 2007. If blood is sold or donated for money, the guilty will face up to three months in jail and a fine.
Many people are afraid to donate blood, they think that doing so will result in a lack of blood in the body, but it’s true.
Even, many donors donate blood for many reasons including:
- General Awareness
- helping a loved one
- taking first-time experience
- increasing confidence in themselves
How important is blood donation for saving lives, that’s why 14th June is held every year as Blood Donation Day, to spread awareness.

It is necessary for us, even for every organism, which contains lots of nutrients, oxygen, and waste material.
NOTE: Our bone marrow makes red cells, plasma, and platelets.
An average adult person has 5L of blood, although it increases in various conditions like during pregnancy women have 50% more blood.
Do you know that someone needs blood every 2 seconds?
There are main 4 types of blood groups include – A, B, AB, and O. Each type has Rh-positive or Rh-negative.
AB is the universal type (In this blood type person can receive any type of blood), and O negative is the universal donor of red blood cells.
Dr. Karl Landsteiner first identified the major human blood groups – A, B, AB, and O – in 1901 (2).
Blood donation is divided into 2 groups:
An allogeneic – In this, when a donor gives blood to a blood bank for transfusion to an unknown recipient.
A directed – In this, donating blood, often a family member, donates blood for transfusion to a specific person.
Who Should Do blood donation?
Anyone can donate blood. just make sure some common things such as:
- If a person have controls diabetes with diet and oral medicine, then the person can do a donation.
- Weight should be above 45 kg
- Women donate blood only after 1 year of delivery or when they have stopped breastfeeding.
- The donor should not have any type of infection.
- Hemoglobin level should be above 12-50 g.
If you are a healthy citizen, you can donate blood after every 3 to 4 months. After 48 hours of donating blood, the body starts making blood.
NOTE: The blood taken by you may save many lives. people in hospital need more blood who have a blood disorder like:
- Anemia
- Accident patient
- Cancer
- blood is needed even during surgery due to blood loss
- Even after delivery women also face anemia.
- Thalassemia
Thalassemia is a genetic disorder, In this person has to be a blood transfusion 1 to 2 times a month.
Who Can’t Donate Blood?
Many conditions, situations, and ages of people should avoid or can’t go for donation include:
- Below the age of 18, and above 65 age of people can’t donate blood.
- If you have normal health issues, like cold, cough, headache, fever, or diarrhea. so you can’t also donate.
- Diabetes peoples.
- Medical conditions people such as – cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, severe lung disease, and heart patients.
- Tattoo skin
- Whose weight has been lost more than 5 kg in 6 months without any reason?
- If you are undergoing any medical treatment, consult your doctor before donating the blood.
Many doctors tells that blood donation is good for our health. And your 1 unit of blood can save 3 lives.
Heart health is improved by donating blood.
Time to time blood donation can help control the amount of iron in the blood.
After donating blood, the body starts producing new blood cells, which help maintain good health.
It is believed that regular blood donation is associated with decreased high blood pressure (3)
Blood is also used to diagnose several diseases or illnesses, such as:
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Hepatitis
- Thyroid test
- Heart disease
It has many health benefits, but still many people think that blood donation is a painful situation. which is not true.
In this, you will just feel a small prick in the beginning and after that, you will not even know when the blood was donated.
Other health benefits such as:
It’s generally safe, however in some people headache, nausea, and weakness may also seen, but it will last for some minutes.
A study showed that regular blood donations increased the risk of heart disease. but another study showed that 2% of people had an adverse reaction to it.
Some other side effects that have been observed:
- Bruising of the needle area is the most common concern.
- arterial puncture
- nerve irritation or injury
- allergic reactions
Covid and blood donation
There is no deep relation between it, but a question asked by many people – After applying the vaccine, can I donate blood?
NOTE: According to the National Blood Transfusion Council (NBTC) says that - you can donate blood after 14 days of vaccination.
Similarly, if you have recovered from covid, then you can donate blood after 28 days.
Things Before And After Donating Blood?
Many people think that it can increase the risk of HIV and many infections. As long you donate at a registered blood bank, you are safe.
NOTE: Because all these registered banks, follow all the protocols equally, even in covid also worked well.

Before and After
Before Things
- Blood should be donated to registered blood banks and camps only, where doctors are also available.
- Before donating, eat light food, and drink water, which helps you in managing weakness.
- Do not drink alcohol 1 day before donating and do not smoke 2 to 3 hours before.
- Make sure, to carry an ID card with you, because it is vital to register every donor.
After Things
- After donating blood, do not get up immediately, sit for at least 2 to 5 minutes.
- Eat something sugary food, so that the energy can come back quickly.
- Keep your fluid intake high for the next 24 to 48 hours so that you stay hydrated.
- Do not do any physical work for 4 to 5 hours after it.
- Eat healthy food for the next 24 hours, and doctors suggest that avoid smoking and alcohol next 24 hours.
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Age, weight, and height are important factors when considering the eligibility of donors.
In one study, the range was 20 to 59 days for recovery (4).
Obtaining the blood
One other method is the filter method – In this, the desired part is stored, and the rest to the donor also known as apheresis.
NOTE: Blood is stored in a flexible plastic bag that also contains – sodium citrate, phosphate, dextrose, and adenine.
This combination preserves blood for up to 42 days without blood clots (6) (7) Other chemicals can also be added during processes.
How do doctors know which blood is infected?
All donated blood is screened for blood-borne diseases such as – hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV.
NOTE: But if you are saving someone’s life or giving blood to someone then many tests are done before that such as:
A blood test to determine your ABO and RhD type, and blood group.
First-time donors like teenagers and women are at a higher chance of a reaction (8) (9).
Where Is the Blood Used?
Donated blood can be used in many different patients by separating platelets, plasma, and red cells.
It helps in stopping bleeding, some people may also need platelets for certain diseases, dengue malaria, etc.
Red cells
They carry oxygen to the lungs and are made in the bone marrow.
When blood is separated, its looks like a light yellow liquid. It supports the immune system and treats burns and even cancer.
The whole blood plasma can be used to make transfusions or used in medications using a process called fractionation.
One unit of blood can be separated into several components: red blood cells, plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate.
Down Line
Blood donation is a good and generally safe which keeps us healthy and prevents many illness risks.
Anyone can donate blood but if you smoke then avoid it for at least 5 hours and for drinking 24 hours.