Varicose veins are a common condition of veins that are seen swelled, especially on legs and happen due to several reasons.
It often feels painful, discomfort, and heaviness in the legs. And it feels awkward.
There are several treatments, Remember early treatment can prevent its severity.
However, home remedies are also helpful in treating mild varicose veins, but for severe cases talk to the doctor.
But to treat it from the root, make sure to find your varicose veins reason, here are quick summary of VV reasons:
- People who stand most of the time like traffic police, chefs, doctors, etc
- women above the age of 40
- pregnant women, especially multiple pregnancies
- higher-weight individuals
- genetics
- leg injury
If you notice any discomfort during home remedies or your case is severe (excessive swell veins) then you should talk to the doctor.
Home-Remedies to Treat Varicose Veins
There are several home remedies to treat VV, remember if you notice a discomfort then avoid its use.
Increase Fiber Intake
Fiber is good for the digestive system which helps prevent constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues.
Researchers reveal that fiber intake does not help in VV but some other studies support this statement.
Make sure to add fiber-related food to your diet including bananas, oat meal, brown rice and so on.
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV contains antioxidant properties, which can purify the blood and this improves blood circulation.
During studies, researchers also saw that some patients were relieved of pain.
Remember, avoid excessive use otherwise, you may notice, stomach issues, tooth enamel erosion, interact with medicines, etc.
Regular Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent several disease risks like CVD, cancer, heart disease, and even VV risk.
Some exercises are considered best for reducing swelled veins such as swimming, walking, cycling, and water exercise.
Even, you can perform some yoga asanas like Talasana, utkatasana, hastapadangushtasana, and shoulder stand.
These asanas help in proper blood flow in your legs.
If you are new to yoga asanas then do it under eye vision to prevent risk.
Avoid long Sitting and Standing
It is the most common reason “Where prolonged standing and sitting suppress proper blood circulation and lead to VV.
So avoid long sitting and standing and from time to time to reduce the pressure on the veins.
Compression Stockings
If your jobs require you to stand a long time then you must wear compression stockings.
Even in the early stage, the doctor may recommend compression stockings and also suggest lifestyle changes.
It is specially designed to apply gentle pressure to the veins which improves proper blood circulation to the entire legs.
Remember to do legs stretching after removing these stockings.
Reduce salt intake
Excessive salt intake can cause water retention and swelling, so reduce salt intake which is also not good for blood pressure.
Lower sodium intake supports circulation and reduces discomfort.
Maintain Healthy Weight
Obese people are more at risk of VV due to overweight suppressing the veins which reduces blood circulation.
Moreover, heavy-weight individuals are more at risk of several diseases including type II diabetes, Heart disease, and so on.
So if you struggling with excessive weight then try to lose it with exercise and a healthy diet and maintain healthy weight.
Elevate the legs
It is seen that VV individuals feel relaxed when they elevate their legs.
If you have mild VV, elevating the legs helps reduce leg inflammation, relieves other symptoms and brings relaxation.
Take Action
Attention in your symptoms, and take action as soon as you notice any symptoms like swelling, pain, and discolouration.
Taking precautions include:
- Follow good hygiene
- eating healthy diet
- regular exercise
- get vaccinated
- avoid excessive habits
Precautions are the best way to prevent disease.
When to seek medical help
If you are in a medical condition like pregnancy then you consult the doctor, because any home remedies may cause a serious issue.
When to seek medical help are:
- Pain and any discomfort
- skin colour change
- bleeding
- excessive swelling
- Pregnancy
healthytalk8 does not recommend any medicines. It is only for informational purposes. For medical advice talk to the doctor.
Down Line
Varicose veins are a swollen and discoloured medical condition, which mostly seen on the legs
If it is in an early stage then changing lifestyle, and a healthy diet can help in reducing swelled veins.
Talk to the doctor if your VV is seen as severe, then surgery and other treatments help in it.