Food And Drinks That Related To Excessive Sweating

Red chilli spicy food

Foods and drinks causing excessive sweating are common due to species and heat that trigger sweat glands.

Sweat which is a good thing means your body is trying to keep your body temp normal. but it gets difficult for people who do not sweat.

For those who suffer from excessive sweating, from palm, foot, and other body parts, this condition is called hyperhidrosis.

Many things trigger excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) apart from food, and drinks, which we discuss later. Which include:

There are certain foods, and drinks can start dripping on your skin, but some people also sweat while eating.

Why Do Some People Sweat More While Eating?

Sweating while eating is common when you eat spicy and hot food and also occurs due to climate change.

However, Sweating can occur due to medical conditions, if a person sweats on the scalp while eating, it can be an indication of diabetes.

In diabetes, there can be nerve damage, so subsequently there can be sweating while eating.

If the reason is climate change then it is normal. And if it is a medical issue, then you should talk to your doctor.

Foods and Drinks Causing Excessive Sweating

Here are some common foods and drinks that are related to the causes of excessive sweating.

Spicy Foods

Red chilli spicy food

Many people avoid spicy food due to medical conditions reasons, like Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and stomach pain.

Spicy hot food is one of the major reasons for excessive sweating while eating (if you consume it in the long term).

In spicy food, capsaicin (a chemical responsible for spicy) triggers our sweat glands and causes sweating.

If you already suffer from mild or severe hyperhidrosis, then it is a good idea to avoid spicy food.

According to Barry Green of John B. Pierce Laboratory in New Haven, “Spicy foods start the skin receptors that normally respond to heat”.

Excessive alcohol

Drinking increases our heart rate and dilates the blood vessels in our skin. which causes the body to release heat in form of sweat.

Consumption of alcohol is correct to an extent, but excessive amounts can be harmful to the pancreas, and high blood pressure causes a heart attack.

Alcoholics also see night sweats which are common.

This is caused by alcohol that affects your nervous system after it broke down by enzymes in your liver.

Common symptoms that may also be seen during night sweats are:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • clammy skin
  • Thirst, long time thirst may lead to dehydration
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Headache
  • Feel hot

Learn More – Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy

Acidic Ingredient Liquid

Acidic beverages like vinegar, or that you eat at a high temperature can make you sweat as well.

Lean Protein Foods

Protein is necessary for both mental and physical health, which repairs damaged tissue, also improves performance, etc.

Lean protein foods are:

Eating lean quality food increases body heat also body needs to work hard to digest which means more hard work leads to more sweat.

Consuming a lot of protein creates a substance called urea, and to get rid of urea our body releases more sweat than normal.

Garlic and Onion

Food such as garlic and onion are a strong taste and smell that causes excessive sweating.

Because it contains allicin, which the body changes into sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric compounds interact with the bacteria on our skin, causing bad breath, sweat, and a distinct body odour (2)

However, if your armpit sweat smells like onions, it may be a sign of apocrine bromhidrosis.

Bromhidrosis is an unpleasant body odour caused by poor hygiene, infections, diet or long-term medication, and family history.

It may be associated with hyperhidrosis.

Green vegetables can also contribute to it which may also change your body odor because they also contain sulfur (3).


It contains caffeine which speeds up the central nervous system, which also interacts with our sweat glands.

A man is shown holding two cups of coffee on a plate

One study reported that caffeine intake before exercise increased “body temperature” by triggering the heating sensations.

But also increased sweating sensitivity through changes in sudomotor activity (nervous system controlling sweat gland activity).

Also gives instant energy than tea because 1 cup of coffee contains a higher amount of caffeine than tea.

NOTE: Caffeine and nicotine (found in cigarette) consumption make people sweat more than other people.

Processed Foods

Processed foods are high in sugar, fat, salt, and glucose with no essential nutrients, but also are high in calories.

Consumed Street, junk, or processed food that contains high sugar pushes the body to make more insulin, leading to excessive sweat.

In addition, processed food makes our body work hard to digest (more work means more heat leads to sweating)

However, this is low evidence that proves, how much-processed food is linked to sweating or not.

Overall so avoid consuming excessive processed food it is not good for overall health.

Learn More – Fast Food

Ice Cream

In “Gustatory sweating” is also referred to as a medical form.

This, even when you eat cold something like Ice Cream, you still sweat in this condition.

How Does Food Affect Sweat?

Whenever you eat foods that are too spicy, processed food, and drink.

Then the enzymes in the digestive system break down proteins into amino acids and carbs for which the body has to work hard.

Whenever you do physical activity, the body heats up, and you sweat – like that digestive cause the body to produce heat – too much work – starts more sweat.

What Can You Do?

If your sweating occurs due to climate change then it is a normal condition.

But in some people sweating is also a cause of an underlying medical condition then they should talk to the doctor.

Excessive sweating, if this occurs without any reason then it may be some underlying medical condition so consult the doctor.

You can follow these tips to prevent excessive sweating

  • Wear cotton clothes, which absorb sweat more quickly than other fibers.
  • Sweating can occur due to a medical condition, talk to your doctor
  • Use antiperspirant and deodorant, due avoid regular use
  • If this is not due to any disease, then there are many options to treat it include – medicines, surgery, laser treatment, etc.

Down Line

Foods and drinks causing excessive sweating list are spicy, hot, caffeine, alcohol and certain medicines.

Street food makes you sweat more because now your body has to work hard to digest which triggers heat and heat leads to sweating.

Caffeine interacts with our sleep so avoid drinking coffee 2 hours before bed.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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