Food That Enhances Your Brain and Memory Power – healthytalk8

A man is shown holding two cups of coffee on a plate


The type of food we eat has a direct impact on our physical and mental health in negative and positive ways.

Basically, The whole circuit of our body connects to our brain.

It’s our powerhouse, inside which there are many small neurons, and these neurons’ joints form circuits.

Interesting Facts – Brain

  • The brain is only 2% of our body mass, instead, it uses 30% of the body’s energy, this energy is needed by cells called neurons.
  • There are about 86 billion neurons in our brains. about as many stars as there are in the Milkyway galaxy.
  • Neurons are connected to each other through neurotransmitters and this is where most of the energy is consumed to maintain the connection.
  • Here neurotransmitter signals passed from one neuron to another neuron and there are a total of 1 billion connections in this circuit.

Here are the Top 8 Memory Boosting Food. they include:

Green Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and collards are rich in brain-health nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene.

Broccoli is loaded with vitamin C and flavonoid antioxidants, which can promote the brain health of the person (1).

It is rich in antioxidant also rich in compounds called glucosinolates, when the body breaks it down they produce isothiocyanate.

Isothiocyanate can reduce oxidative stress and lower the risk of neurodegenerative disease (2).

NOTE: Green vegetables, especially eating leaves and salads, weight is reduced as well as crystallized intelligence develops in you.

Dark Chocolate

chocolates balls

Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids, with the help of which blood can reach even, that part of the brain that was not usually easy to reach.

In a study, people were eaten dark chocolate for 8 days (containing 70% cocoa, and only 30% sugar, milk, and butter), as a result, changes were seen in 177 genes of the people.

Another study found that chocolate eaters experienced positive emotions compared to participants who ate crackers.

In addition, dark chocolate can be considered a panacea for treating painful periods of cramps.


Berries contain flavonoid antioxidants, they work to prevent inflammation and protect the brain.

In a study, 26 people were given blueberry juice every day for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, blood was running faster in their brains.

Due to rich sources of antioxidants, assist in repairing body cells & help in getting rid of symptoms related to anxiety and depression.

In berries, pterostilbene is a compound that prevents the plague from collecting in arteries.

One study reported that blackberries have powerful anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative agents.

In addition, improving behavioural performance in motor neuron tests in aged rats.

Fatty Fish

Fish is one of the rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, especially salmon, tuna, herring, and sardines.

Our brain about 60% is made up of fat, and half of this fat is made up of omega-3 acids. Therefore it becomes very important for our brains.

The lack of fatty acids in us can lead to many mental disorders including dyslexia, dementia, depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder (1).

Omega-3 fatty acids that we get mostly from dietary fish can affect synaptic function and mental abilities by giving plasma membrane fluidity at synaptic areas (2).

A 2017 study found that people with omega-3 fatty acids have increased blood flow to the brain and that higher levels showed a correlation b/w better cognition and thinking ability.


A man is shown holding two cups of coffee on a plate

A cup of morning coffee (caffeine) may offer more than just a short-term concentration boost.

A 2014 publication on nutrition participants found that participants with high caffeine performed better on tests of mental function.

The amount of caffeine in 1 cup of coffee is higher than in tea. and give you an instant energy boost, compared to tea.

Another study in 2018 found that caffeine can increase alertness in the brain as well as enhance the brain’s ability to process information.

Caffeine (in coffee) also has risks including:

  • Restlessness
  • fast heartbeat
  • trouble in sleeping
  • anxiety
  • promote headache
  • migraine
  • High BP in some people.


Nuts are an excellent source of healthy fat and protein, which may enhance memory.

Evidence suggests that it may reduce the risk of age-related disease with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects.

One study found that regular consumption of nuts was associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

Walnuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid, which has been linked to lower BP and clear arteries, good for both heart and brain health (1).

Some seeds are also enhanced brain and memory including:

However, Eating too much can be harmful, because their nature is hot, and some people are allergic to this.

Important Nutrients and Vitamins

We need healthy food and nutrients and vitamins which is our daily requirement, especially for the brain. which include:

  • Vitamin B, and E
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Choline

Vitamin E is allied with better cognitive performance, due to its antioxidant agents.

Which also prevents or delays cognitive decline in both aging people and Alzheimer’s diseases people (1).

A large observational study showed that choline intake was allied with improving brain function and blood levels (2).


This fruit is unbelievably tasty as well as good for mental health, due to vitamin C, which assists with securing the brain against age-related decrease.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against oxidative damage induced by MPP+. plus fight off those free radicals that can damage brain cells.

In addition, Provide a healthy immune system, prevents skin damage, maintains blood pressure, lowers cholesterol level, and reduces the risk of cancer.

Other fruits that are rich in vitamin C are:

  • Kiwi
  • Amla
  • Peppers

Down Line

Berries contain flavonoid antioxidants, they work to prevent inflammation and protect the brain.

One study found that regular consumption of nuts was associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

Green vegetables, especially eating leaves and salads, weight is reduced as well as crystallized intelligence develops in you.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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