Spicy food is one way to improve the flavour and taste of food, and it has been used in Chinese cuisine for thousands of years (1).
Hot peppers trigger our brain into thinking our mouth is on fire, but actually, there is no fire or heat in a pepper.
Capsaicin, which is normally found in chilli pepper, capsaicin binds to pain receptors on our nerves called TRPV1.
When chili triggers TRPV1, it sends the signal to the brain, to react as fire in the mouth.
In this response our body tries to cool itself off by including – face turning red, eyes tearing up, nose running, and sweating.
If you love eating spicy food, then this post has some good news for your health, which include:

Health benefits of eating spicy foods
There are many health benefits of eating spicy foods include:
May promote Heart Health
A 2021 Study has shown that eating spicy foods reduces the risk of heart disease-related mortality.
Spicy food may also improve your health by preventing the risk of developing heart disease.
A 2017 study suggests that certain types of spicy foods, such as chilli peppers, greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Researchers Michael Miller, suggest that certain types of spicy like red pepper, and turmeric can help improve our body circulation.
By dilating your blood vessels, and reducing blood pressure.
Antioxidant and antiplatelet agents found in capsaicin can regulate metabolism, which may contribute to the cardiovascular system (5) (6) (7).
Check Out – Heart Attack: Symptoms, Reason, At Young Age
Help in Reducing Overweight
A study investigators found that red pepper may reduce the risk of obesity by reducing appetite in Asian and white people (12) (13).
Some studies have shown that spicy food consumption inhibits obesity by regulating energy metabolism.
In a study, where participants were given spicy food to consume as a resultin, they saw an increased risk in abdominal obesity.
Another population study has shown that spicy food intake prevents obesity by regulating energy metabolism.
Check Out – Obesity, And Pregnancy, Is Any Relation B/W Them, Risk
Fight against Inflammation
Turmeric helps reduce exercise-induced inflammation and muscle soreness, thus enhancing recovery, and performance (15).
Curcumin has been traditionally used in medicine for thousands of years, due to its anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects (16) (17) (18).
Reduce the risk of premature death
A study suggests that spicy food lowers mortality risk in both men and women after adjusting for potential risk.
Researchers found (healthy lifestyle) that those who consumed daily spicy food had a 14% lower risk of premature death.
A study where participants consumed spicy food 6 to 7 days a week, resultin a 14% reduction in total mortality, compared to non-eaters.
Help in various cancer
An ecological study showed that people with higher consumption of spices have a lower incidence of cancer.
Many studies have shown that capsaicin has an anti-obesity, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antihypertensive effect.
Several studies have suggested that capsaicin had protective effects on the stomach, but this effect was not observed consistently.
A UCLA study conducted on mice showed that capsaicin stops the growth of prostate cancer cells, without harming healthy cells.
Release feel-good hormone
Many people love to consume spicy foods but why? Because in response to the pain, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.
- Endorphins are a feel-good chemical hormone because they act as a natural pain reliever.
- Dopamine is a pleasure hormone means – feel-good hormone.
These combined chemicals create euphoria similar to a runner’s high.
Side Effects of eating spicy food
Several studies have shown that eating spicy foods increases the risk of abdominal obesity and fat energy intake.
However, eating plenty amount of spicy food is good for health, but eating too much leads to several health issues.
According to Healthline, eating too many spicy foods leads to abdominal pain, vomiting, burning diarrhea, and nausea.
A Data demonstrates that consuming too much capsaicin may irritate and lead to feeling discomfort in the lining of the stomach.
Eating spicy foods can also able to kill sleep effects because they cause heartburn, WebMD says.
Spicy foods also affect the throat, according to Mayo Clinic, and lead to swelling, a horse, muffled voice.
After swallowing the capsaicin binds to more receptors on its way down. In severe cases, it may lead to:
- Develop blisters in the throat
- vomit
- go into anaphylactic shock
Your response to spicy foods depends on your tolerance. So build up a tolerance over time with practice.
Down Line
If you do not tolerate spicy food, so please avoid eating it frequently, because it may lead to severe health issues.
Several studies showed that spicy food may also improve your health by preventing the risk of developing heart disease.
Eating too many spicy foods can also lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, burning diarrhea, and nausea.