Leech Therapy: How Is It Work, Medical Use, Risk, And More

Leech therapy

What Is Leech Therapy?

Leech is a blood-sucking worm and has been used for medical purposes for thousands of years, for this reason, it is used as a therapy which is called leech therapy.

Its blood-sucking skills are very beneficial for skin diseases such as psoriasis. And is a part of an ancient system of medicine called “Ayurveda”.

Leeches on the skin may sound very strange but Ancient Indian, Egyptians, Arabs, and Greeks all used leeches therapeutically.

In modern times, leech therapy is used in plastic surgery, cosmetics, reducing pimples, microsurgery, etc, because of an anticoagulant agent, which keeps blood flowing to wounds to help them heal.

How Does It Work?

When a leech attached to a particular area, where leech crippled jaws and teeth cut skin membrane. Once it made a hole it can start sucking blood.

It sucks blood by contracting its muscles, (which you can see it moving like a wave in its outer skin), in a rhythmic movement called peristalsis”.

After removing out, blood drainage continues, which prevents blood clots, which happen due to the inserting of anticoagulants through their saliva.

NOTE: It has advantages over us, but blood impurities are dangerous for the leeches, so the doctor pours turmeric on leeches, and makes them vomit so that all impure blood can be taken out.

Important Points

Leech therapy price, is different in other countries, In India, it costs around between 25 to 50 Rs, and depends on the region.

After puking out the whole blood the leaches are inactive for 7 days.

Leeches can be applied to boldness because people with less hair don’t have blood circulation over there it can be used to increase blood circulation.

During treatment, the patient should avoid drinks that include – caffeine, tea, cola, and nicotine-containing products because nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow.

The leeches produce an anesthetic, which makes the attaching painless (1)


Leeches therapy has many medical conditions and benefits. includes:

Improve blood circulation

Leeches may be used to help improve blood flow in an area of tissue or a skin flap that has poor blood circulation (2).

Wild leech has been used by traditional Chinese healers to increase blood flow to the outside of the body and reduce congestion disorders.

Also, prevent blood clots, and reduces the tension in that area, which improves blood flow in the small blood vessels. And can help to prevent the tissues from dying.

Leech has been seen as a successful use for improving blood flow after the micro-surgery of a severely torn skull. And an increase in hair growth was also observed in the injured area.

Acetylcholine is also a component in leech secretions, causing endothelial muscle relaxation and vasodilatation (3) (4).

Keep heart healthy

People who have a high risk of heart disease, use leech therapy because it has the ability to reduce inflammation and increase temporarily blood flow (5)

Even, many specialists used leeches for healing hypertension, and hemorrhoids, (hemorrhoids can increase the 27% risk of coronary heart disease) (6)

People, who have a vascular illness, should try leech therapy which become an acceptable alternative therapy to cure disorders over the past several years.

Learn More – Yoga For Healthy Heart | Food To Eat And Avoid

Anti-inflammatory effect

Clinical studies revealed that it can help due to the anti-inflammatory effects in patients with thrombophlebitis.

The anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects in the leech’s saliva reduce pain and tenderness in the affected area of the joint.

Its levels are correlated with allergic and inflammatory diseases such as anaphylaxis, asthma, and arthritis (7).

The use of leeches on gum disease has also been shown. 3 to 4 leeches remedy for abscess and inflammation direct successfully seen.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Cancer is a group of cells involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade and spread to other parts of the body.

Many vitro studies (test-tube) indicate that leech saliva extracts have an anti-cancer effect.

Its saliva contains a protein called antistatic which prevents lung cancer colonization (8) however in certain blood cancer are not advised leech therapy.

The mice testing also shows that directly injecting leech salvia in mice can help prevent the colonization of cancer cells (9).

However, more studies on humans are still pending,

Treat infectious diseases

Some reports show that LT is used as a traditional remedy by dentists for tooth infections such as periodontitis and alveolar abscesses.

It was reported that its protein has antibacterial activity against some bacterial strains because it can destroy their cellular components (10)

However, if the leech removes forcibly, its parasites present in his mouth may lead to a wound, causing infection, scarring, and ecchymosis (11).

Learn More – Lung Infection

Works as a painkiller in arthritis patients

During the research, leech was used in arthritis patients, resulting in patients claiming that leeches have more relief than topical diclofenac with no adverse effects.

Another clinical trial on patients with arthritis at the knee proved that leech therapy could effectively reduce the intake of analgesic (a pain Killer medicine)

Other reports indicate that leech therapy is a painkiller for iliosacral joint pain and stiffness in the cervical spine (12)

Help diabetes patients

If a person has diabetes, their body’s ability to produce insulin is completely stopped (insulin is a hormone, which helps the body to maintain body sugar levels).

Leech application has been traditionally used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus complications, however, no documented scientific reports on leech therapy as an antihyperglycemic (a diabetes medicine).

The presence of peptides and proteins in leech saliva affects blood And can be of an important benefit for the relieving of diabetes conditions.

People with diabetes tend to have thick blood, but hirudin (a substance in leech saliva) can help thin blood and prevent blood clots.

Research also shows the position of the effect of treating diabetes.

Learn More – Natural Ways To Prevent Pre-Diabetes, And Diabetes

Uses on cosmetic

Many studies on leech therapy have shown that it increases the chance of positive outcomes in reconstruction affecting the:

  • Face
  • Nose
  • Forehead
  • Cheek
  • finger and toes
  • Breast

Many women use leech therapy to remove pimples on their faces.

What does Ayurveda say?

In Ayurveda, there are 3 types of dosha, Vata, Pitta, And Kapha, Raktha is considered as the 4th dosha according to Sushruta.

And raktamokshana (means bloodletting) is one of the treatments in panchakarma include – Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya, and Rakta Moksha.

Leech therapy is one of the natural ways of bloodletting. when it starts its sucks around 5 to 50ml blood, and after 45 minutes to 1 hour the leech will come out on its own.


Leech therapy is a good option to improve blood circulation and remove impure blood, however, it also has some risks, which include:

  • If it sticks at you in a regulated environment, then may cause bacterial infection.
  • People who have an autoimmune disorder are not recommended this therapy.
  • Pregnant women, and under 18 years old people should avoid it.
  • If someone goes wrong during therapy, so blood will continue to flow, also the leech bite will not close.
  • Some people are allergic to leech saliva.

Many therapist reports show conditions including itching, blister forming, ulcerative necrosis, and even local tissue damage.


Leech therapy is a painkiller for iliosacral joint pain and stiffness in the cervical spine.

The anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects in the leech’s saliva reduce pain and tenderness in the affected area of the joint.

Leech therapy is used to help improve blood flow in an area of tissue or a skin flap that has poor blood circulation and promotes hair growth.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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