Varicose veins are a common condition of veins that are seen swelled, especially on legs and happen due to several reasons. It often feels painful, …
Black Neck: Reasons, Treatments, Signs, And More
What Is Black Neck? A black neck is a type of skin condition in which the skin on your neck looks darker than the surrounding …

9 Ways To Convert Your Irregular Periods To Regular Periods
A regular menstrual cycle is an important indicator of a healthy reproductive system (1). Every woman goes through a menstrual cycle, and the menstrual cycle …

Blocked Milk Duct: Reasons, Symptoms, How To Treat It, Prevention
When a mother starts breastfeeding, there are many breast-related problems, that she faces, and one of them is a blocked milk duct. First, know that …

Thalassemia: What Is It? Reasons, Signs, Treatment, More Things
What Is Thalassemia? Thalassemia is a genetic disorder of the blood, where the body makes abnormal hemoglobin. This disorder results in large numbers of RBCs …

Slipped Disc: What Is It? Reasons, Diagnose, Treatment, And More
What is Slip Disc? A slipped disc is also known as a herniated disc, And our all bones are connected to each other through the ligament. When …
Swollen Hands and Toes Fingers In Winter: Reason, How To Treat?
Swollen hands and fingers also known as Chilblains, mostly occur in the winter and can cause itching, and swelling on hands and feet. It is …

Lung Infection: What Causes, Types, Signs, Prevention, And More
OVER VIEW Lung infection is one of the most common medical conditions, which affects a huge worldwide population. And it keeps growing due to one …

Why Am I Coughing?: Causes, Risks, Treatment, And Prevention
OVER VIEW Coughing is a spontaneous reflex that keeps our throat clean and prevents unwanted irritants, which is a common illness during childhood. Although it …

8 Home Remedies – That Turn Your Bad Breath Into Fresh Breath
Bad Breath Home Remedies for Bad breath are one of the most common methods, which I myself believe in. and it is a very common …