Iron Deficiency is a condition where a person’s body has lower iron levels, iron helps carry oxygen in your blood. It is commonly seen in …
Managing OCD: Effective Strategies Beyond Medication
OCD Managing OCD is not a big deal with proper support, doctor consultation, and therapies help in it OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is a mental disorder …
Know Irregular Periods And Getting Pregnant Relation
What causes irregular periods? Periods are considered irregular when they do not come in the normal range, mean -periods that occur less than 21 days or more …
What Causes of Irregular periods After Child Birth?
What are Irregular periods? Irregular periods are one of the common phenomena symptoms of any female. At a young age, irregular periods are very common, …
Slipped Disc: What Is It? Reasons, Diagnose, Treatment, And More
What is Slip Disc? A slipped disc is also known as a herniated disc, And our all bones are connected to each other through the ligament. When …
Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, Treatment, And Prevention
Constipation Constipation is one of the most common stomach problems, like diarrhea, worldwide. Research in India suggests that 22% of the adult population suffers from …
Does Your Lifestyle Affects Your Height And Body Shape – healthytalk8
Body shape and Height Our height and body shape are influenced by a person’s diet, genetics, and lifestyle. It says that according to our height, …
Obesity, And Pregnancy, Is Any Relation B/W Them, Risk
Obesity and pregnancy are not things, we should be proud of, it’s not right by any means, especially during pregnancy, which creates a risk to …
High Blood Pressure: Reason, Age, Ideal Range, And More Things
What is High Blood Pressure? High blood pressure, in short, High BP occurs when the blood circulation starts going up and down very fast, which …
Kidney Stones: Reason, Food, Signs, And More Extra – healthytalk8
What is a kidney stone? A kidney stone is a hard form of crystal that can form in the kidney, uterus, bladder, or urethra. this …