Vitamin E is essential for several body parts, such as vision, the immune system, the skin, the face, the brain and so on. It has …
Iron-deficiency in children: A Growing Concern
Iron deficiency in children is common which impacts children’s growth and development so it is vital to address the issue. Lack of iron significantly impacts …
Migraine Headache: Unraveling the Reasons, and Treatments
Migraine Headache Migraine headache is one of the most common headaches around the world about 1 in 10 people are affected. On the other hand, …
Keep An Eye on Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B12 deficiency (also known as cobalamin), is a water-soluble vitamin that is derived from animal products such as red meat, dairy, and eggs (1) …
Health Benefits Of Eating Spicy Food, And Side Effects
Spicy food is one of the things that improve the flavor, and taste of food, that has been used in Chinese cuisine for thousands of …
6 Early Signs Indicate That You More Prone To A Heart Attack
In today’s time, heart disease is a very common problem, which you should know about it and its early signs that indicate a heart attack. …
Blood Donation: Every Possible Thing You Need To know
Blood donation is a good thing it prevents you from many diseases. And you’re one blood donation can save many lives. In COVID, the world …
Vitiligo: Causes, How Common is It? Treatment, Prevent, And More
Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by white patches that lose pigment (1), also known as white leprosy. In this, the colour-producing cells called “melanocytes,” work against …
Claustrophobia: Reason, Signs, Treatment, How To Reduce, And More
Claustrophobia is a type of specific phobia. In this person fear of enclosed or tight space. A Phobia is an intense and irrational fear of …
Rabies: Reason, Symptoms, Risk, Diagnose, Treatment, And More
Rabies is a highly dangerous disease, which is caused by a number of viruses called ‘lyssa‘ including the rabies virus. It is a fatal disease, …