What is Male Discharge? Male discharge is also known as penis discharge, which also consider both normal and abnormal, depending on what type is it. …
Do You Have Lazy Eye? Reasons, Signs, and Treatments
What is Lazy Eye? A lazy eye (amblyopia) is actually a lazy brain problem, the eye is fine, but this problem of the eye leads …
Don’t Let Cataract Cloud Your Vision: Reasons, Signs, And Treatment
What Is a Cataract? A cataract is an eye disorder, where the black portion of your eye is covered with a white cloud that leads …
The ABCs of Insomnia: What You Need to Know
What is Insomnia? Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, where person hard to fall asleep, which affects about 35% of adults. Not proper sleep …
Hypoxia: Reasons, Symptoms, Risk factors, And Treatment
What is Hypoxia? Hypoxia is a state where oxygen is not available in a sufficient amount in the tissue. This can happen due to low …
Reasons, and Symptoms You Might Have Sleep Apnea & Treatment
What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder, in which your breathing stops and restarts many times while you sleep a common sleep …
Underactive Thyroid: Reasons, Treatment, Signs, And More
When the thyroid hormone level is decreased in the body, causes underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism. According to the studies, there are about 42 …
Hyperthyroidism Disorder: Reasons, Signs, Treatment, And More
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland and is located in your neck (throat) and produces a thyroid hormone. Around 42 million people in India have …
Blocked Milk Duct: Reasons, Symptoms, How To Treat It, Prevention
When a mother starts breastfeeding, there are many breast-related problems, that she faces, and one of them is a blocked milk duct. First, know that …
Obesity – Dozens of Effect On The Body, And Reasons
Obesity or overweight is a disease where person body fat is more that interact with health and it influence by many factors. According to a …