Thin blood or thrombocytopenia is not a normal thing it can raise severe health concerns. and it means low platelet levels in the body. It …
shortness of breathing
Unmasking Iron Deficiency: Signs, Reason, Treatment and More
Iron Deficiency is a condition where a person’s body has lower iron levels, iron helps carry oxygen in your blood. It is commonly seen in …
Sudden Panic attack: Don’t freak, Just Breathe
Panic Attack A panic attack is an intense attack of fear that can occur by physical and emotional reactions. When a person sees sudden fear …
Panic Attacks? Spot these 12 Symptoms Fast
Panic Attacks A panic attacks is a sudden attack of fear or discomfort that is triggered by extreme physical and emotional reactions. In this fight-or-flight …
10 Common Medical Causes of Trouble In Breath And Its Treatment
Trouble in breath or shortness of breath is referred to as “Dyspnea or breathlessness” it affects millions of people, especially older people. There are various …
Keep An Eye on Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B12 deficiency (cobalamin), is a water-soluble vitamin that’s found in animal products such as red meat, dairy, and eggs (1) It is an essential …
6 Early Signs Indicate That You More Prone To A Heart Attack
In today’s time, heart disease become a common concern, and you should know about it and its early signs that indicate a heart attack. Our …
SMA: what is it?, Why Its treatment is So expensive, And More Things
What is SMA? Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a hereditary disease transferred from one generation to another. It mostly affects infants, In this children cannot …
Breathing Exercises To Increase Lung Capacity – At Home
Breathing exercises to increase lung capacity are very important in covid-19 time. In covid-19 oxygen levels drop significantly, so it is highly essential to increase …
What Makes You Sweat? – healthytalk8
Sweating is our defence against unwanted bacteria, viruses, and parasites. And this helps your body stay cool. It is commonly found under the arms, on …