Unmasking Iron Deficiency: Signs, Reason, Treatment and More

Iron Deficiency

is a condition where a person’s body has lower iron levels, iron helps carry oxygen in your blood.

It is commonly seen in pregnant women during delivery and during heavy periods where blood loss occurs.

A lack of iron can cause weakness, shortness of breath, pale skin, and irregular heartbeat.

Iron is important because it helps in making hemoglobin.

For example – RBC is a truck that carries oxygen to the blood, but the truck needs fuel which is iron.

Iron deficiency is a common issue that is resolved by consuming iron, but in the long term, this deficiency can lead to:

  • Affects the brain negatively, and prevents brain development in children.
  • Increase the risk of diseases like heart, mental and more

I have personally seen many women while doctor checking, where doctors suggest they consume iron rich foods.

Consuming iron loaded food like eggs, meat, chicken, green vegetables, beans, etc full fill your daily intake of iron.

Did you Know?

Iron deficiency is when the body doesn’t have enough iron, whereas anemia has a lower healthy RBC.

And low hemoglobin where not enough protein in RBC to carry oxygen.

Moreover, Iron deficiency and low hemoglobin in the blood lead to anemia.

India has the highest rate of lack of iron causes anemia in women which can be resolved by consuming Iron-rich foods.

Did you know? that iron deficiency from mother to child can live from generation to generation.

In children and young adults lack of iron contributes to the top 3 diseases all over the world including:

  • Malaria
  • hookworm
  • malabsorption of iron

Do you know? In the morning with an empty stomach, certain foods like lemon, orange, amla, etc can enhance absorption.

Reason of Iron deficiency

There are many reasons for iron deficiency such as:

  • Blood loss during delivery and periods
  • insufficient iron intake
  • The disease that prevents the absorption of iron take

However, iron deficiency from mother to infant can become a chronic iron deficiency or live life long.

Signs of Iron Deficiency

As we know low hemoglobin and iron deficiency both lead to anemia, which has some common signs to be seen for diagnosis better.

Other Signs

These signs are less commonly seen which include:

Important Words

1. Cook in iron cookware to add more iron to your food.
2. Add vitamin C food to your meal for better iron absorption.
3. Avoid caffeine-related food like coffee, and dark chocolate.
4. Take iron supplements but consult the doctor because their dose may interact with your health.
5. Do exercise daily at least 1 hour for better iron absorption

How can you Treat It?

It is not complicated to treat it you have just to change your lifestyle and add iron-rich food to your diet.

Dietary Changes

Studies reveal that consuming plant-based iron food reduces heart risk but in non-vegetarians, like meat, it remains.

Moreover, plant-based iron foods are easily absorbed.


The doctor may give you oral iron supplements which are easily absorbed, have faster results and have very less side effects.

Make sure talk to a professional doctor before taking supplements because any new thing and their dose can show reverse effects.


Small steps make a big difference so change your lifestyle like:

  • Diet: eat a healthy diet, and avoid excessive processed fast food.
  • Activity: do physical activity that will keep you fit and enhance nutrient absorption
  • Habits: avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other bad habits that make you lazy.

Moreover, it is not necessary that the same treatment works same for other people.

Iron deficiency is not a serious matter, becomes serious when it not treated properly and not follow instructions properly.

Homemade Iron-Rich Recipe

You can treat it easily by making iron-rich food recipes easily at home which an easy and delicious for example:

Now your healthy and loaded with iron tasty salad is ready to eat.

It is important to take complete info before consuming iron supplements or consult the doctor.

Down Line

It is very common in developing countries and India has the highest iron deficiency rate.

You can treat it easily at home by consuming eggs, meat, chicken, beans, nuts, seeds, pulses, and green vegetables that contain iron.

If this is not sufficient then consult the doctor they may suggest some iron supplements.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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