Varicose Veins: Understand Causes and Treatment

varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common condition, where swallowed or enlarged veins are seen, especially in the legs.

They look twisted and enlarged often visible under the skin.

Some people even didn’t difference b/w spiders and varicose veins, but they are the difference in size, colour and symptoms.

Causes of varicose veins

Basically, veins supply impure leg blood towards the heart, but if there is any abnormality in the valves then this can show enlargement in the veins.

There is no exact reason for varicose veins, but It has been seen as more common in some people including:

  • People who stand most of the time like traffic police, chefs, doctors, etc
  • women’s above the age 40
  • pregnant women, especially multiple pregnancies
  • higher-weight individuals
  • genetics
  • leg injury

If you saw thick swallow veins in your legs or if your legs turned black, they had wounds, and if there was swelling in the legs.

Then you are more at risk of varicose veins.

When values are damaged and the blood gets collected at the legs, then there are swelling the legs veins.

varicose veins

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

There are some common symptoms which include:

  • Visible and twisted veins
  • purple colour or skin discoloration
  • tired legs
  • leg cramps, especially at night
  • itching around the veins
  • swelling legs or ankles
  • skin ulcers

If you see any of these symptoms then talk to the doctor it may be trigger other health issue.

How Doctor Diagnose It?

To diagnose VV, the doctor performs some physical exam and takes information about symptoms, history, and lifestyle.

The doctor also performs a simple colour ultrasound Doppler test. It can be done at any of your nearby diagnostic centres.

However, some other tests may be performed if veins aren’t visible properly.


On your symptoms and Doppler findings, the doctor decides your treatment.

If it is an initial stage, the doctor may recommend stockings or compression stockings and also suggest lifestyle changes.

Moreover, lifestyle changes are best if it is seen in the early stages including:

  • Weight loss
  • regular exercise
  • not stand a long time

If symptoms are advanced level and there is damage to doppler veins then the doctor may recommend laser and operation treatment.

The best thing about this laser treatment is that there is no cut or suture. It is a daycare procedure.

Nowadays, there are new treatments as well, which are called venaseal. It is an invasive option with a short recovery time.

Both laser and vena seal have their pros and cons so consult to your doctor if you notice any discomfort after the treatment.


If you experience itching, swelling and pain then cream may offer temporary relief on your legs, and the affected area.

However it is not a cure, they just help in managing the symptoms.

How can I Prevent Varicose Veins?

Prevention is the best way to prevent future diseases. So here how can you prevent it?

1. Maintain a healthy weight: Reduce your excessive weight and maintain a normal BMI weight.

Even research reveals that higher-weight people are more at risk of VV.

2. Exercise: Do at least 1-hour daily exercise where blood circulation improves, and strengthens the legs.

Some exercises include swimming, running, walking and low-impact exercise.

3. Lift your legs: Elevating your legs flow back blood to your heart.

4. Avoid long standing and sitting: It is one of the common reasons for VV because it increase pressure in leg veins.

5. Stockings: The doctor recommended compressive stocking in the early stage which is effective in preventing VV.

6. Dietary change: Add more fruits, whole grains and vegetables in your doctor and avoid fast, and processed food.

Studies reveal that certain nutrients like vitamin C and flavonoids may help strengthen the blood vessels.

7. Avoid tight clothing: Tight clothing such as tight underwear, and pants reduces proper blood circulation.

If you experience severe pain and any discomfort then talk to the doctor.

Moreover during pregnancy you can follow these above tips to prevent VV during pregnancy.


Is varicose veins coming again?

Is varicose veins coming again? There are chance that they come again if you do not follow up on your recommended lifestyle

Can it go away on their own?

VV does not go away on their own, however, in the early stage, it can be improved with lifestyle changes:

  • Regular exercise
  • reducing excessive weight
  • avoid long sitting and standing

Make sure to talk to the doctor if you notice any discomfort.

Down Line

Varicose veins are a common disorder, then especially seen on legs due to blood collection in veins and swelling.

A healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding long standing and sitting are the best ways to prevent it.

Talk to the therapist if you notice any discomfort because it may trigger other health concerns in future.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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