Moxibustion is traditional Chinese medicine, which has been used to treat various types of diseases.
Traditional treatments, such as acupuncture, acupressure, and moxibustion, and herbal remedies, still account for 40% of healthcare use in China (1).
It is a traditional medical system that is famous not only in China but also in Tibet, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia.
It is also known as “heat therapy,” in which dried plant materials called “moxa” are burned on or very near the surface of the skin.
Moxibustion and acupuncture are traditional medicine for more than 2500 years and have been used to prevent and cure diseases (2).
How does it work?
It is performed by burning small cones of dried leaves on certain points of the body, generally the same points as those used in acupuncture.

There are two ways to apply moxibustion on the skin, first direct and second indirect moxibustion.
NOTE: When moxa is directly in contact with skin and ignited is called direct moxibustion.
In this, a practitioner will hold it about an inch from your body, after the skin becomes red and warm, they will remove it.
NOTE: Whereas the moxa is kept at a certain distance from the skin is called indirect moxibustion.
In this, a practitioner uses an insulating layer of salt or garlic between the cone and your skin.
Modern moxibustion including lasing, electrothermal Moxi, etc simulates traditional moxa by chemical methods to achieve the same effect of moxibustion.
Acupuncture and moxibustion
Acupuncture | Moxibustion |
In acupuncture, needles are pinned to certain parts of the skin to stimulate the central nervous system. | In this ignite small cones shape powder (dried leaves) on certain points of the body. |
It involves thrusting or twisting needles resulting in various biochemical reactions that can have effects throughout the body (3) | Unlike acupuncture, it uses heat to stimulate various temperature levels and involves mild skin warming to tissue damage from burning (4). |
Acupuncture uses physical stimulation via the insertion of needles (5) | It uses thermal and chemical stimulants by burning herbal materials, including mugwort. |
Research has shown that acupuncture and moxibustion are also used in combination for treating disease and for anaesthesia.
Can it turn breech baby?
It is claimed that moxibustion mitigates cold and dampness in the body, and can help to turn breech babies.
A limited evidence review found the use of moxibustion in correcting the breech position of babies but still, more research is pending (9)
It believes that igniting a herb close to the skin (acupuncture point) on the little toe produces a warming sensation that can turn breech babies.
According to NCBI acupuncture with moxibustion was more effective in revolving fetuses in the breech position.
However, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of moxibustion to correct a breech position (10).
Is moxibustion help with Infertility?
Studies indicate that it is also used on gynecologic uterine colds caused by infertility, menstrual pain, and metrorrhagia.
Research reveals that Moxi may naturally improve ovarian function by preventing cell deaths and improving antioxidant defence ability.
Research showed that moxibustion has been widely applied in female infertility, premature ovarian failure, and tubal obstruction (10) (11).
In addition, the risk of female infertility also increases mental issues (12).
What else do use it for?
It has been used to treat many illnesses or diseases, and conditions, which is still used in the modern world by healthcare.
There are many ways where Moxi practitioners are used in many ways which include:
- treat weakness
- fatigue
- diarrhea
- dysmenorrhea
- colitis
- increased circulation
- relieving pain, whether it is muscle pain, heel, chronic, and arthritis pain.
- asthma
- menstrual cramps
- urinary retention
- ageing-related problems
- eczema
- cold and flu prevention
Modern studies believe that moxibustion is also used to treat this condition of pain which includes:
- constipation
- stroke
- cancer
- ulcerative colitis (4)
- hypertension
Its mugwort is also used under pillows to poke dreams, and the herbs have allied with the practice of magic.
Some people believe that it will give a warm feeling when it is close to the body and this treatment is essentially a thermal effect (14).
Does moxibustion have side effects?
It also has a few risks, and indirect moxibustion is more considered than direct moxibustion.
When it applying alone, it increases the risk of its side effect (9) which include:
- Dark skin patches
- nausea
- throat irritation
- pregnant lady may have a risk of – fetal harm
- risk of burns
- infection
- abdominal pain
- allergic reaction to mugwort
- sore throat or cough from the smoke
- premature birth
- basal cell carcinoma or a type of skin cancer
Some reported a loose lower eyelid and ectropion after moxibustion on the craniofacial points (14).
What about its safety?
It is considered safe and effective and is widely used throughout the world.
However, its safety also depends on many things which include:
- On his position
- duration
- a distance between Moxi and skin
- experience of practitioners
- patients conditions
- presence of smoke
- the environment of treatment can also affect the safety of moxibustion (10).
However, some studies have shown modern time Moxi therapy, where chemicals are used, might compromise safety.
Most of the research comes from China and is generally of low quality.
Some claim that its effects are a wide range, and some other claim that it is a panacea (10).
Down Line
It uses heat to stimulate various temperature levels and its believe that its treatment is essentially a thermal effect.
It is often used with acupuncture, and research shows that both are more effective in various health conditions when combined.
Moxibustion is traditional Chinese therapy, which has been used for more than 2500 years to treat various illnesses.