What Makes You Sweat? – healthytalk8

sweat on a girl's back and what makes you sweat

Sweating is our defence against unwanted bacteria, viruses, and parasites. And this helps your body stay cool.

It is commonly found under the arms, on the feet, and the palms of the hands (1).

But if sweating profusely, it may be a sign of a medical condition or not.

The amount of sweat your body produces, tells you how many sweat glands you have.

Things that make you sweat

Here are some conditions, situations, and things that make you sweat.

sweat on a girl's back and what makes you sweat
Sweating is a Natural Way To Detox Your Body (pic taken by Healthline)

Physical Exercise

Exercise is probably the most familiar and common to sweating.

In this case, sweating occurs due to movement that triggers your sweat glands to produce sweat.

Physical activity, whether running or jogging, and other exercises like yoga and resistance exercise.

While doing exercise, the body releases heat which triggers the hypothalamus (regulates body temp), and this triggers the sweat gland to produce sweat.

So a more heated body produces more sweat as a resultin the breathing gets the deeper, faster heart and faster your burns calories.

So drink plenty of water, especially during hot days, and during exercise, which prevents dehydration, and possible risks.

Additionally, the mother of all sweat exercises is “Bikram yoga”, also known as hot yoga.

Heat and humidity

It works the same as during exercise. In heat conditions, the body increases temp, which triggers the sweat gland.

During the rainy season or conditions, the humidity is on the higher side – which means – air cannot hold moisture further.

As a result, the body heats up. It is difficult for the sweat to evaporate and in high humidity conditions, we tend to sweat more (2)

  • On Hot days – Heat from the body warms up the sweat, causing it to evaporate from the skin quickly.
  • On humid days – In humidity sweat can’t evaporate as fast. Because this traps the heat near the skin, making you feel hot more.

Certain Foods and Drinks

Spicy food – Eating spicy food makes some people sweat, this happens because this triggers the same neural response that activates temp receptors.

Alcohol – Drinking warms the body, and increases your heart rate, which gives a signal to the body to release heat in the form of sweat (3)

Coffee – caffeine that speeds up the central nervous system, and that also interacts with our sweat glands.

A study showed that caffeine increased sweating sensitivity via changes in the autonomic nervous system that control sweat gland activity.

Garlic and Onion – This contains allicin which turns the body into sulfuric acid which interacts with bacteria on the skin, causing sweat, bad breath, and body odor.

Learn More – Food And Drinks That Related To Excessive Sweating


One of the common reasons for sweating because cigarettes contain nicotine which triggers acetylcholine chemicals.

This chemical causes sweat and also raises body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate.

However, as we know smoking is very bad for our overall health, which raises many medical conditions:

Caffeine and nicotine consumption make some people sweat more than normal. That is why men sweat more than women.


Many women worry about sweating during pregnancy, but it is part of the pregnancy experience.

Moreover, how does pregnancy affect sweating?

Obesity women during pregnancy

When sperm meets egg, it confuses the hypothalamus making it sense heat, even on cold days, resulting, trigger the body’s sweating reflex.

During pregnancy, your body goes through many hormonal changes:

  • Increased metabolism
  • blood flow
  • Increased weight, results in more sweating than normal women.

You probably feel extra sweating in the first trimester, third trimester, and all periods.

But in the second-trimester hormones swings are pretty relaxed.

Learn More – Obesity, And Pregnancy, Is Any Relation B/W Them, Risk

NOTE: During 9 months, keep yourself hydrated, and eat enough fruits and vegetables which help baby to grow fast.


S*x is a physical activity, just like running, and other exercises, it will increase blood pressure, and the body temp leads to sweating.

Sweating during s*x can be a good thing.

But at this time, the smell of sweat is also known to spike cortisol levels which gives more enjoyment.

During love, your body automatically releases two hormones – adrenalin and norepinephrine (the stress hormone).

The combination of these two hormones causes your overall body to sweat.

Intercourse is a good thing for reducing stress, and anxiety, and for certain diseases chances.

Learn More – S*x Drive

Diseases and illness

  • Fever – During fever the body raises temp to kill the bacteria, after the fever breaks, you will feel hot and start to release sweat.
  • Diabetes – This can also result in sweating because in diabetes nerves can be damaged.

So in some people, the damaged nerve controls the sweat gland switched on. This can result in hyperhidrosis.

When you get sick body releases heat which also increases muscle activity and, as a result, more energy is released in heat form.

An overactive thyroid, cancer, tuberculosis, and HIV may also trigger sweat glands and night sweats.

Medicines Side Effects

A girl giving medicine

Yes, medicine makes you sweat.

There are a variety of medicines that can affect sweating and the peripheral nervous system (1).

Sweating can also be a side effect of a variety of prescribed medicines, however excessive sweating is a rare side effect of drugs.

Here are certain medicines that cause sweating:

  • Pain killer
  • Antidepressant medicines
  • Migraine medicines
  • Diabetes
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Blood pressure medications

Remember, if see any adverse effects then talk to your doctor they can change the medicine and give you a suitable drug.


When you are angry, you reach your boiling point, – which means blood pressure, and anger triggers the body’s fight or flight response.

Sweating is a common symptom of anger.

Anger releases stress (adrenaline and cortisol) hormone, which increases blood pressure and, as a result, raises body temp, and causes sweating.

Anger is a healthy emotion towards negative feelings. But too much anger can cause many situations. Include:


Menopause, when women’s period stops, generally happens between the ages of 45 and 55.

During menopause, estrogen levels also decrease as a result of several changes occur on women’s body like sweating, change body shape, etc.

You can stop this by doing these hacks include:

  • Stay cool, especially before night
  • Keep your bedroom cool at night
  • Wear lightweight cloth
  • Take a cool shower, or drink, before bed
  • Avoid spicy food, caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and other things that easily trigger your sweat glands.
  • Higher weight women, reduce weight.

Anxiety, Or Nervousness

Sweating also occurs during the fight or flight response, which is stimulated by stressful events like proposing to someone and interviewing for a job.

This is because adrenaline boosts muscle activity and causes widened blood vessels, these two responses increase heat and trigger sweating.

If anyone is dealing with stress, their body will also produce sweat, because mental stress and nervousness target the nervous system.

Down Line

Sweating is triggered by several things like obesity, exercise, medicines, illness, and so on.

In sweating body triggers the hypothalamus (responsible for body temp) increases body temp and releases sweat.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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