Why Hunger Makes Us Angry And Irritable?

A girl eating food

Hunger And Anger

Hunger is a sense that goes beyond the common desire for food that all humans experience, also known as an appetite.

All living beings need food to live, however, in humans, women can more easily control hunger than men.

Food intake has an impact on and is also affected by gut-brain signaling which controls hunger and appetite.

What about anger? anger is a natural response from our body that is significantly linked to hunger.

Anger is a strong feeling that you get when something bad happens to you or when someone does something wrong.

It is common like other emotional conditions, such as stress, happiness, sadness, fear, or predatory behavior (1).

But what causes anger? during anger, it triggers the Amygdala part of the brain that is responsible for emotions).

Its releases catecholamines and cortisol, these chemicals that increase our heart rate and blood pressure.

However, chronic anger or excessive anger can significantly increase your chances of getting heart disease.

Researchers have reported that cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension are closely allied with the human emotion of anger.

A girl eating food
When Hunger Makes People Angry and Irritable, Then This Said To Be Hangry

Why Hunger Makes Us Angry And Irritable?

During hunger, when people get grumpy, irritable, and angry, then they are said to be Hangry.

Hunger-induced anger is believed to be caused due to various reasons, but here is the process of hangry.

When we eat food, it is mostly converted to glucose, and other elements, then this glucose is absorbed by blood and then transported to our cells.

These cells are especially those present in our brains. And when this glucose level drops, our brain perceives it as a life-threatening situation.

Making a person irritated, eventually leads to anger, which triggers “fight or flight.

If blood sugar levels drop very low, it can release two hormones called adrenaline and cortisol, these help to raise our blood sugar level.

But can also make us more irritable or angry than usual, and if someone also pokes on that time it increases it.

Also, when our energy levels are low, a brain chemical called neuropeptide Y makes us hungry and encourages us to eat.

But as the same chemical regulated aggression, it causes us to anger emotions thus making us hangry.

Other Things that make us angry?

Some researchers showed that hunger is not the only thing that makes a person angry, however, but there are also more included things:

  • Fatigue
  • lack of sleep
  • continually poked by someone
  • difficulty in focus
  • Susceptibility to making mistakes.

NOTE – Common Things That Can Be Reasons For Night Sleeplessness

Hunger and age

Older people are more likely to develop an addiction to hunger, as well as significantly increases the negative effects of hunger (3)

In this age group, most people face chronic conditions including – heart, diabetes, and respiratory disease.

These illnesses are exacerbated or racing up hunger which is why older are more likely to develop an addiction to hunger.

However, anger is not only limited to adults or older it is also related to children, and the cause of anger in children include:

  • mental health issue
  • anxiety
  • genetic
  • ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • being bully
  • autism

NOTE: 8 unexpected Reason In Children For Anger

Anger in children is not only related to mental and other life events, it also happens due to many other common reasons including:

  • learning disorder (where the child has difficulty learning something)
  • a demand for something
  • expected daily routine
  • interacting with a sibling or another child
  • feeling hungry or tired
  • playing with a toy or doing an activity that is hard to figure out

When does anger become a life-threatening situation?

Anger is a natural response from our body to things or persons, for exam – what we do not like, and things are not as we think of them.

Continuously anger is a risk factor for mental and physical health (9)

Anger becomes a life-threatening situation when it becomes interacts with health, and even leads to chronic health issues including:

Anger can cause an underlying disorder, such as alcoholism or depression. but anger is a known symptom of several mental health conditions.

Outburst anger can become a life-threatening condition in all people, so make sure to control, it or consult your doctor.

How to control hangry

If you are more prone to getting angry due to genes, so make sure you take these steps to control or prevent it include:

  • Eat sufficient meals throughout the day
  • do meditation that helps you to control your hunger and calm your brain wave
  • stay hydrated
  • eat well a balanced diet, instead of junk food (that makes a person hunger easily triggered by anger)
  • do regular exercise
  • have handy snacks, that can offer you calm for a limited time until a good meal does not go into your stomach.

Down Line

Hunger and anger both are related to each other, during hunger, people get irritable and angry, then they are called hangry.

Outburst anger leads to severe health issues include – high BP, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and lung diseases.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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