Varicose veins are a common condition of veins that are seen swelled, especially on legs and happen due to several reasons. It often feels painful, …
How I Know That My Blood Is Thin? Reason, and Treatment
Thin blood or thrombocytopenia is not a normal thing it can raise severe health concerns. and it means low platelet levels in the body. It …

12 Surprising Reasons For Irregular Periods
Periods The menstrual cycle occurs monthly in response to reproductive hormones including estrogen and progesterone. But why periods? They are necessary to start the female reproductive system and …

10 Mistakes That Pregnant Women Should Avoid
Pregnancy is one of the common complications in women, during this, some women make some mistakes that they should avoid. Being a mother is the …

HydroPhobia: Causes, Signs, Diagnose, Treatment, And Complication
Hydrophobia A hydrophobic person fear of water is also classified as rabies because in rabies, a person fears with swallowing water and other liquids. Phobia …

High Hemoglobin: Causes, Symptoms, Test, Treatment And Prevention
Hemoglobin is a protein present in our blood, which carries blood and is made up of Iron and various types of protein. If a person …

Bichu Buti (Kandali): What Is It?, Recipe, And How To Remove Sting?
What Is Bichu Buti? Bichu buti is known as ‘kandali’ in Uttarakhand (India), a sting plant because the thorn gets pricked. There is no cultivation …

8 Rich Natural Antioxidants Foods That Easily Avaliable Anywhere
Antioxidants Antioxidants Rich foods are easily avaliable on the market, and they play a vital role in preventing diseases like diabetes, and even cancer. Antioxidants …

Headache: Why This Happen, Symptoms, Risk, Treatment, And Much
Headache is one of the common illnesses in most people, that goes by its own sometimes, and sometimes it settles after taking medicine. It is …

Piles: What is it, Symptoms, Why is Happen, And Extra Things
Piles Piles are also known as “Hemorrhoids” in Hindi (बवासीर) which is very common 40 age. No, there are more than 75% of people experience …