Thin blood or thrombocytopenia is not a normal thing it can raise severe health concerns. and it means low platelet levels in the body. It …
Medical Conditions
Unmasking Iron Deficiency: Signs, Reason, Treatment and More
Iron Deficiency is a condition where a person’s body has lower iron levels, iron helps carry oxygen in your blood. It is commonly seen in …
Inhaler: How it Works? Using in children, and More
Inhaler An inhaler is a tiny incredible tool for your lungs that sprays medicine directly into your lungs and lets a person breathe properly. People …
Sudden Panic attack: Don’t freak, Just Breathe
Panic Attack A panic attack is an intense attack of fear that can occur by physical and emotional reactions. When a person sees sudden fear …
Panic Attacks? Spot these 12 Symptoms Fast
Panic Attacks A panic attacks is a sudden attack of fear or discomfort that is triggered by extreme physical and emotional reactions. In this fight-or-flight …
Top 8 Diabetes-Friendly Foods for a Healthier Life
Diabetes If blood sugar levels are increased above a limited amount then this called diabetes, and foods for diabetes are helpful in it. Diabetes is …
Infrared Sauna And Cancer: What You Need To Know
Infrared sauna and cancer, some studies show IS can help with cancer, and some tell IS may lead to cancer. but what is truth? An …
Heartburn: Everything You Need To Know About
What Is Heartburn? Heartburn is a burning sensation around the chest and is caused by acid reflux of stomach acid into the food pipe. Acid …
Celiac Disease: What Is It? Causes, And Why You Should Care?
What Is Celiac Disease? Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder, caused by a reaction to gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye). …
Hyponatremia: What Is It? Causes, With Signs And Treatment
What Is Hyponatremia? Hyponatremia is a condition where the sodium level in our blood is abnormally low due to excessive water in the body. Sodium …