Top 5 Myth About Protein Shakes and Supplements


Protein powders are concentrated sources of protein from animals or plant foods such as dairy products (milk, eggs, cheese), etc. so let’s start with the top 5 myths of protein shakes. 
Not everyone benefits from protein powder or supplement if your daily consuming diet is high in rich protein, then you do not get see much effect of protein powder.
Consuming more daily powder or supplements, (if your regular diet is not full of nutrients), then you may be suffering a lot of health-related damage like kidney failure, heart attack, shortness of breath, etc. 
protein supplement
Protein supplement or powder is very popular in the gym as well as many people use it in their regular life too, but some people believe that taking daily protein supplements is not good for health.
There are numerous types of protein supplements made from a wide variety of sources.

1. Myth: It is Compulsory for Everyone To Take Protein

Protein supplement foods are an important part of a healthy balanced diet. if someone exercises regularly and doing weight training, heavyweight, bench press, so it is normal for them to take rich foods with a protein supplement.
They are full fill with macronutrients that help in building muscle mass and boost your stamina and metabolism. 
If you are trying to weight lose, then proteins must be a part of your diet because they help in reducing appetite hunger levels, also decrease the overall consuming calories.
but, some protein supplements can make you fat, (if you don t know about which protein supplement is would be good for your health, then should know about it first). 
This is true for bodybuilders and even weight watchers on time. many people often resort to protein powder, supplement or shake to increase the amount of protein in their diet.
According to me, it is not compulsory that everyone takes protein supplements.
Here is why, if a normal man or woman does not go to the gym or does no exercise but his diet intake is good like (eating eggs, chicken, pulses, vegetables, and fruit) so there is plenty of nutrition for his body. 
On the other hand, if there are individuals who exercise and lift heavyweight with the office, then protein powder becomes essential for them as it helps to increase their muscle mass and strengthen their stamina.  

2. Myth: Consuming more Protein causes kidney diseases 

Rapid gain weight, or losing weight which is increasingly popular among the young generations, is usually based on a high-protein intake and a very limited amount of carbohydrates. 
All though there is some proof that these diets lead to rapid weight loss, it is unclear whether these results are sustainable in the longer term but some studies suggest that high-protein intake may lead to long-term effects, affecting your kidney.
protein supplement
Two main risks of kidney failure are high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes.
According to me, too much consuming more protein causes kidney problems (in an adult the kidney may filter around 48 gallons (180 L) of blood every single day) but there is no strong evidence that shows the intake of high protein harm kidney functions in people
If someone who has kidney disease or those with only one kidney should avoid high protein supplements, and patients who suffer from kidney illness should maintain a low protein intake. 
Multiple studies show that higher protein intake is a good thing when it comes to your bone health, it may improve your bone density and lower the risk of fractures. it also increases IGF-1 and lean muscle mass.

3. Myth: Consuming protein shakes makes you Fat and Bulky

Protein is a good source of build-mass muscle. eating protein or using protein powder does not make you heavy or bulky nor does excess weight gain. gaining weight or bulky occurs when you consume too many calories, 
If you trying to add whole milk and peanut butter, you might most of the protein powder is only between 100-150 calories per serving, or it is highly unlikely that just taking protein will increase your weight. there are many reasons for this, such as fried potatoes, and unhealthy food
coconut protein shake
Globally so many people think that protein shakes are associated with bulking up and getting those grains.
But the truth is that: if you overeat any type of food, whether it is homemade food or any protein shake, then it will definitely increase your weight and at the same time consuming more can also cause you a health problem. 
Protein shakes or supplements as part of your healthy, balanced diet will not make you fat on your own.
In fact, you can control your weight by actually consuming protein. also helps you to reach your goal, (increasing lean muscle mass).

4. Myth: We do not Get as much Protein from Vegetables, Fruit, or Pulses as we need during Gym

To make sure we get enough protein every day it is important to consider quality and quantity, many people believe that fruit and vegetables do not get the same amount of protein and nutrients as much as we need during the gym. 
In many ways, it is true that we cannot get as much protein from only vegetables and fruits as much as we get from protein powder or supplement 
so along with fruits and vegetables, you have eaten some things that boost your stamina along with weight gain. like almonds, nuts peanut butter, cottage cheese, bananas, and pulses, egg, boil potatoes, etc.
An amino acid is the building block of protein quality, and protein is determined by its amino acid composition.
There are 9 essential amino acids, which means our bodies cannot make them and we must get them from dietary meals like meat, fish, eggs, dairy products like (cheese, ghee), etc. 
They contain all essential amino acids, which makes them complete proteins. but plants-based foods for example (beans, peanuts, green leafy vegetables (kale), seeds, and pulses still have varying amounts of protein.
Protein supplements, shakes and powder can be obtained by consuming weight gain and lean muscle mass but we cannot gain that much weight quickly and from vegetables. 
Compare to protein powder, or supplement because the things found in protein powder like animal sources (eggs, fish, meat), etc along with many other things are prepared for you by mixing, baking, and processing them. 

5. Myth: You will get too muscular by Drinking Protein Shakes

Many people think that by drinking a protein shake or lifting dumbells in the gym, you can get a muscular body. 
But the truth is that along with drinking a protein shake, you will not see much effect of protein shake and supplements if you do not exercise properly and with focus. 
Consuming protein doesn’t produce more protein which means you won’t directly gain muscle from drinking a protein shake. 


Some people believe that taking daily protein supplements is not good for health.
Two main risks of kidney failure are high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes.
Many people believe that fruit and vegetables do not get the same amount of protein and nutrients as we need during heavy exercise.
They contain all essential amino acids, which makes them complete proteins. but plants-based foods for example (beans, peanuts, green leafy vegetables (kale), seeds, and pulses still have varying amounts of protein.

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1 Comment

  1. […] so much at that time, but now that phase is going slowly. [2]   now people use protein powder and supplements to make their bodies healthy and active in their daily life. [3]     protein powder is very […]

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