Dermatitis is a skin condition marked by skin inflammation, redness, dry skin, irritation, etc. Itching, dry skin, inflammation, and thick skin are common symptoms. Moreover, …
How to Get Rid of Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a skin condition marked by skin inflammation, redness, dry skin, irritation, etc. Itching, dry skin, inflammation, and thick skin are common symptoms. Moreover, …
What is pregnancy insomnia? During pregnancy sleep schedule for these 9 months might be less due to a growing belly, pain, discomfort, etc. For all …
What is Biotin? Biotin, or B vitamins, is an essential nutrient naturally present in certain foods and also available as a dietary supplement. Also, Vitamin …
Jet lag is a temporary sleep problem, that affects anyone who frequently travels across multiple time zones (1). It’s not false that travelling can be …
Oversleeping and depression might have more common than you think. Research has linked both to each other. Sleeping is an essential part of our daily …
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, it is a type of chemical that plays many important roles in the human body. A neurotransmitter is a chemical substance, …
When the thyroid hormone level is decreased in the body, causes underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism. Studies show that there are about 42 million …
Triphala Triphala is Ayurvedic medicine, which is one of the world’s oldest medical systems rooted in the India for centuries. It is classified as a …