Men’s Hygiene is an important part of our daily life that prevents disease risk, builds confidence and is vital for social interaction. Men’s hygiene has …
kidney stone
8 Reasons Why You Should Choose Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits are worldwide popular and have been remembered for their high intake in terms of nutrients, energy, and taste. It has been …
8 Expert Tips to Prevent UTIs In Children
Urinary Tract Infection Prevent UTIs in children by maintaining hygiene, wearing breathable clothes, drinking enough water, avoiding irritants things, etc UTI is an infection type …
Male Discharge: What’s Normal, What’s Not, And What to Do?
What is Male Discharge? Male discharge is also known as penis discharge, which also consider both normal and abnormal, depending on what type is it. …
8 Migraine-Triggering Foods: Can Balance Diet Relieve Pain?
Migraine Headache Migraine-triggering foods are some specific food that does not affect everyone and can contribute to debilitating headache. MH is the most common type …
Himalayan Viagra: What Is It, Is It New Miracle Medicine?
What Is Himalayan Viagra? Himalayan Viagra, also known as Yarsagumba, and Cordyceps sinensis in medical terms, is popular for its magical benefits. It is a …
Hyponatremia: What Is It? Causes, With Signs And Treatment
What Is Hyponatremia? Hyponatremia is a condition where the sodium level in our blood is abnormally low due to excessive water in the body. Sodium …
10 Proven Benefits of Coconut Water You Didn’t Know About
Over View Coconut water has long been known for its amazing properties, including natural hydration. Green coconut water is the most naturally widespread fruit plant …
10 Surprising Reasons Why You Feel Dizziness
Dizziness also known as vertigo is among the most common disorders in medicine, affecting about 20-30% of people worldwide (1) (2). The incidence of dizziness …
Is Spinach Can Make Me Like Popeye? Top 10 Health Benefits
Spinach is well known for its health benefits, from childhood, where it was shown eating popeye (a sailor man) It (Spinacia oleracea) is a leafy green …