Over View
Coconut water has long been known for its amazing properties, including natural hydration.
Green coconut water is the most naturally widespread fruit plant on earth (1)
It’s available in wide varieties such as oil, cosmetic products, coconut snacks, bottled water, cream, and milk.
Even, many doctors suggest CW during illness, for several reasons, like enhancement in power, etc healthy for the stomach, etc.
Keep You Hydrate
It is been used successfully all around the world for oral rehydration
Several studies show that, that consuming fresh young coconut water is an excellent option for whole-body rehydration after exercise.
Coconut water contains Electrolytes (a mineral), which play many vital roles in our body, including maintaining proper fluid balance (2)
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Treat children’s Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a condition, In which our poop becomes loose and watery, however, in most cases, it goes away on its own within a few days.
CW (coconut water) was considered a home glucose electrolyte solution for children with mild diarrhea (3)
Diarrhea is known to electrolyte losses from the body and can lead to dehydration.
Several studies are found that coconut water is an effective treatment for dehydration resulting from diarrhea.
There are several reasons for diarrhea, and there is a number of conditions that promote diarrhea are include:
- Food poisoning
- bacteria infection
- viral infection
- food Allergies (celiac diseases or lactose intolerance)
- a side effect of Medicines
- stomach therapy, surgery
- parasite infection
Remember, if the child is passing urine less and the diarrhea is going on continuously then it means that the child is deficient in water (4)
Most children recover from diarrhea by simply just drinking ORS solution and other solutions prescribed by doctors (5)
Good For Skin
Our skin is our body’s largest organ, which prevents many parasites from entering, therefore, it becomes essential to take care of your skin health.
A study hardly suggests that the use of fresh coconut water has an anti-inflammatory effect.
In a study, where 4 groups were included, some consumed young, and mature coconut (7)
The resulting, young and mature CW showed a remarkable anti-inflammatory effect. However, the severity of the effect is varied.
The chances of pimples and acne increase significantly due to sunburn, dehydration, and excessive sweating of the skin.
Consuming coconut water may help (9) with:
- Reducing wrinkles
- may help nourish and moisturize dry skin
- increase collagen production
- give skin glow
- pro-aging support.
Fight with Infection
CW consumption compared to tap water increased urinary potassium by about 130% and urinary chloride by 37%.
Coconut water has anti-microbial properties because it’s high in lauric acid which is also used in medicines eg. infection, and mouth sores (8)
It also contains magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which help with energy production and organ function.
It might not provide enough of an energy boost during a strenuous or long workout, but it can help with rehydration afterward.
Work as an Energy Enhancement
It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, medical qualities, high fiber content, anti-aging, anti-microbial agents, and energy enhancement (9)
Even, many doctors suggest you during illness consuming coconut water, which is an excellent way to increase energy instantly.
Because coconut water easily digests and contains energy-boosting substances which we know as sugar.
Is It Safe To Drink Coconut Water During Pregnancy?
Yes, coconut water comes with a complete pack of several nutrients and proteins.
Even doctors suggest CW during this time because ladies have a lot of problems because of hormonal changes like vomiting, nausea, etc.
Consuming in the morning on empty stomach is also considered very good, which makes the absorption better.
Apart from this, it is very good for the growing child in worms, because it maintains the nutritional status of a balanced state.
It eliminates toxins in the body, because it is a natural diuretic, and drinks also. Dr. Sushma Jaiswal says.
CW helps in more amniotic fluid during the trimester thus increasing the blood supply and nutritional supply to the fetus.
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What About – Coconut Water During Periods?
It is recommended during the period also because is rich in nutrients that may help in relieving cramps.
Young coconut water is a natural supplement that has a high level of estrogen (5)
It believes in tradition that drinking it will cause periods to stop or become sporadic as well as delay the next cycle.
However, several studies also tell that CW should not be drunk during periods, and even many people experience says.
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It May Lower Your Blood Sugar Level
A study, results showed that coconut water has potentially reduced blood sugar levels and diabetes retinal damage.
Also, a treatment method for diabetes complications, and is well-known for several nutrient benefits.
Researchers, results showed that coconut water filled with:
- Potassium
- magnesium
- vitamin C
- L-arginine
- manganese, which helped in improving insulin sensitivity (9) (10) (11) (12)
A study was performed, on were hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects of coconut water (MCW) on alloxan-induced diabetes in rats (8)
Which were divided into four groups – normal control, normal rats treated with MCU, diabetes control, and diabetic rats treated with MCU.
The result shows that diabetic rats treated with MCQ have decreased blood glucose levels, and reduced oxidative stress.
Reduce the Risk of Urinary Stone
It was found that coconut water cures bladder infections, eliminates kidney stones, and progresses sexual agility.
Kidney stones can be formed due to changes in the abnormal balance of water, salt, and minerals found in urine.
One study found that the consumption of coconut water prevented the accumulation of crystals in kidney stones.
Along with this, the number of stones or crystals in the urine also decreases.
Drinking lots of water is one primary factor that prevents kidney stones due to the lack of water for a long time.
At least drink 1 glass of lemon juice daily, due to the citrate in it, which binds with the oxalate and stops the formation of kidney stones.
Other Several Benefits
There are other several benefits of coconut water which include
- High in Potassium
- good source of several nutrients and vitamins
- support heart health
- good for the digestive system due to the high Fiber Content
Disadvantages of Coconut Water
Usually, coconut water can commonly consumed by anyone, it’s likely safe and usually well-tolerant.
If you are allergic to CW then it may cause an allergic reaction, which leads to redness, irritation, etc.
However, if you have any lower blood pressure, then you should consult your doctor first, because it may show adverse effects on you.
Also, people who have kidney disease should not drink CW, because CW has a high level of potassium, which cause hyperkalemia.
Hyperkalemia is a kidney disease due to high levels of potassium, and too much potassium in your blood can cause serious heart issues.
Down Line
Coconut water is one of the healthiest water around the world, and that keeps you healthy due to its several health benefits.
However, if you are allergic to coconut water or other things which you don’t know still, then you first consult the doctor.
People with a high level of potassium in the blood then should avoid it, because it has a high level of potassium or may consult the doctor first.