What is HFMD? HFMD (hand-foot-mouth disease) is very common in children, and can easily spread from one child to another. Common in children below 10 …

Gua Sha: What Is It? Benefits, Side Effects, And Does it Work?
Gua Sha is a therapeutic way of pain management using tools to scrape or rub the surface of the body to relieve blood stagnation. It …

What Is 6-in-1 Vaccination? Benefits, Side effects, Schedule, And More
6-in-1 vaccination is a launched FDA-approved vaccine for babies, which was launched in India in 2016. This combination is not a new concept, the combined …

SMA: what is it?, Why Its treatment is So expensive, And More Things
What is SMA? Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a hereditary disease transferred from one generation to another. It mostly affects infants, In this children cannot …

Swine Flu: Reason, Symptoms, Risk, Treatment, Prevention, And More
Swine flu is also known as the N1H1 virus, swine influenza, or pig influenza, which is a respiratory disease. it is commonly found in pigs. …

Ways To Get Rid Out of Chickenpox Scars – healthytalk8
Chickenpox Chickenpox is highly contagious and caused by the varicella-zoster virus It can spread by touching blister fluid, saliva, and sneezing. It mainly affects children, …
Chickenpox: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Treatment, And Prevention
Chickenpox Chickenpox is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It mainly affects children but is also found in older adults. 90% of its cases …
Malaria: Reason, Symptoms, Test, Treatment, And Prevention
Overview Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that is caused by the bite of a female mosquito and affects both animals and humans. In 2019, …

Fever: Reasons, In Children, Self-Treatment At Home, And More Things
Fever also known as pyrexia, hyperthermia and elevate temp is a very common illness that acts as an alarm. It is caused by a viral …
Hepatitis: Types Explanation, Reason, Symptoms, And Extra Things
What is Hepatitis? This is a viral infectious disease. when you get inflammation in the liver, that is condition is called Hepatitis. It mainly caused …