Common Illness: Which You Should Know About It.

Common illness

Common illnesses can vary between children, adults, and old people, along with ageing, and today we will talk about common illnesses in an adult person like me.

Here are the most common illnesses that mostly happen in adult people (18 – 35).

They will be told about their symptoms, causes, and treatment so that you know about them during the emergency and can treat them at home.


Everyone faces a headache, and it is the most common illness in people, whether it is normal, mild, painful, or frequent headache.

Headache is due to many reasons, some of them being the most common reasons such as:

  • Stress
  • anxiety
  • staying in the sun (mostly in the afternoon) too late
  • even affect intercourse activity

In fact, studies show a connection between low serotonin levels and so-called “tension” headaches.

Reason of headache

The exact causes are unclear, but headaches have been linked to stress, poor posture, skipping meals, alcohol consumption, etc.

  • Stress, anxiety
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Lack of sleeping
  • Staying in the sun for too long
  • Take a bath immediately after coming from the out especially (in the afternoon time)
  • Skipping meals
  • Some medicines


You can also get medicines from the doctor for treatment or you can adopt home treatment and both will definitely give you relief.

Take pure Desi ghee cow and put two drops of it in your nose, doing so will definitely relieve your head pain.

Learn More – Yoga Asanas To Minimize Headache To a Great Extent


A lady is standing in the toilet

Diarrhea is an illness in which the body’s solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often.

It’s a most common illness that can range from a mild, temporary condition to a potentially life-threatening one (1)

Globally, an estimated 2 billion cases of diarrhea disease occur each year, and 1.9 million children are under the age of 5 years, mostly in developing countries.

Reasons of diarrhea

Diarrhea caused by a virus includes:

  • Norovirus or Rotavirus
  • Bacteria like (Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter)
  • Irregular latrine
  • Menstruation pain
  • Contaminated food, or water
  • Food allergy
  • Medication


  • Watery, loose stools
  • Frequent bowel motion
  • Urgent need to go to the toilet
  • Abdominal pain and cramping
  • Change in colour of your stools
  • General body weakness and tiredness


Most cases of diarrhea clear on their own within a couple of days without treatment but in some cases not, in that case, you should do include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Do not eat solid food
  • Tea leaf water is a great home remedy for you because I use it myself when I have diarrhea.
  • A saltwater solution (this will not cause a lack of water in your body).

Stomach Pain

Your abdomen pain is discomfort or other uncomfortable sensations that you feel in your belly area.

Most causes of abdominal pain aren’t reasons to worry, and your doctor can easily diagnose and treat the problem (3)

Pain in the abdomen can come from any one of them. severe pain doesn’t always mean a serious problem.

Nor does mild pain mean a problem is not serious. The pain may start somewhere else, such as the chest.

Reason of stomach pain

Causes of upper stomach pain can include:

  • Gas
  • Indigestion
  • Gastritis (4)
  • Stomach viruses
  • Food poisoning
  • Appendicitis
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)


Home treatment for stomach pain which I have used often, gives me a lot of relief every time. If you do not relieve yourself from this, talk to your doctor.

Ginger is a common natural remedy for an upset stomach and indigestion. also helpful in reducing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Mint prevents vomiting and diarrhea. researchers have found that mint is a traditional treatment for indigestion, gas, and diarrhea in India, Iran, and Pakistan.

A heating bag or warm bath may relax tense muscles and ease indigestion, it could also be beneficial to apply a heated bag or pad to the stomach for 15 to 20 minutes or until it goes cool.

Drinking water, and being dehydrated makes digestion more difficult and less effective, which increases the likelihood of an upset stomach.


Sick boy sleep in bed with a thermometer in mouth and feel so bad with fever

A person has a fever if their body temperature rises above the normal range of 98-100 degrees F.

By the way, fever comes when there is some problem in our body.

It is the most common illness in children, adults, and old people, Fever will usually resolve on its own.

But if body temperature rises too high, it may be a symptom of a severe infection that needs medical treatment (5)


Fever might be caused by:

  • A virus
  • Bacterial infection
  • Typhoid
  • Some vaccines such as the Covid-19 vaccine
  • Heat exhaustion
  • overexposing to the sunlight


  • Feel cold and feel like sitting in the sun
  • Sweat
  • Lack energy and feel sleepy
  • Low of appetite
  • Body ache

If a baby has a fever, they may:

  • Feel hot to the touch
  • Sweat or clammy
  • Crying

If a person has a fever with a dry cough, they may have symptoms of COVID-19.

People with these symptoms stay at home and away from other people, wear a mask, and sanitize themselves.

In many cases, the symptoms will improve without specialist treatment.

However, if the person also develops severe chest pain or difficulty breathing, they should call 112 and tell them your situation.


The doctor may recommend medications to reduce it.

A fever is a symptom of other diseases, it’s not an illness.

  • Encourage patients to drink juices, fluids, ORS, etc.
  • Giloy, the juice is also the best remedy for fever.
  • Talk to your doctor who will provide you with the right medicine.
  • Use clean and boiled water
  • OTC drugs such as paracetamol or Ibuprofen effectively reduce fever

Stomach Gas

Everyone has gas. Gas can be mild, frequent, and painful. although symptoms can develop after eating and drinking.

Gas Process formation starts from our intestines where it is eaten by bacteria (6)

This natural process produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane gas, which is released from the rectum.

In fact, this condition is under common illness and did you know? the most people pass gas up to 20 times a day.


Gas in the stomach often results from swallowing too much air while eating or drinking. this can also happen if you:

  • Drink soda or carbonated drinks
  • Suck on hard candy
  • Smoke
  • Swallowing air (with food and drink)
  • Beans, cheese, noodles, peas, prunes, bread, etc, this food can go into the stomach and cause gas.


The gas causes a number of digestive symptoms, which can vary from person to person. the most common symptoms of gas in the stomach include:

  • Belching or burping
  • Stomach cramps
  • Bloating
  • Discomfort
  • constipation
  • Indigestion


In most cases, gas may improve with home remedies. or if this doesn’t work talk to the doctor (sometimes it can also become a serious problem).

  • Yoga like Pawanmuktasana, Bridge pose, etc.
  • Peppermint, chamomile, and clove are also helpful in stomach gas
  • OTC medications that make the gas easier to pass.

Back pain

Back pain is common nowadays because desktop jobs have been made, in which the work of sitting is due to which the pain of the back is common.

But it can seriously, result in lifetime back pain, and medical conditions.

Pain in the upper back may be due to disorders of the aorta, tumours in the chest, and spine inflammation (7)


Back pain has many reasons including:

  • Poor sitting posture, always sitting
  • Long driving sessions without a break
  • Kidney stones or kidney infections can cause back pain.
  • Lifting something that is heavy for you

Some serious cases include:

  • A muscle spasm
  • Muscle tension
  • Fractures, or falls
  • Damage disks
  • Strained ligaments


The main signs of back pain are an ache or pain anywhere in the back, and sometimes all the way down to the buttocks and legs.

The pain goes away without a doctor but if it occurs then talk to your doctor immediately symptoms of back pain include:

  • Fever
  • Continuously pain in the back
  • Pain down the legs
  • Swelling on the back
  • Numbness around the anus, buttocks, and genitals
  • Difficulty in sitting


Back pain usually resolves with rest and with home remedies, but sometimes medical; treatment is necessary.

  • Yoga (cobra asana, Bridge pose, Child pose, Surya namaskar)
  • Medications, Physical therapy
  • Massage in the back with light hands
  • Applying heat, Ice, and electrical stimulation – as well as some muscle-release techniques to the back muscles and soft tissues – may help alleviate pain.
  • CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) can help manage chronic back pain by encouraging new ways of thinking.

If it is serious then consult your doctor for treatment

Sour Throat

A sour throat is a painful, dry, or scratchy feeling in the throat. more sore throat is caused by infections, or by environmental factors like dry air.

Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, it’ll usually go away on its own.


Causes of sore throat range from infections to injuries including:

  • Cold, flu, Viral infection
  • Measles is an illness that causes a rash and fever
  • Strep throat
  • Allergies
  • Dry air
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which acid from the stomach backs up into the mouth.


Symptoms of sore throat can vary depending on what causes it. sore throat person can feel:

  • Burning
  • uncomfortable in talking
  • Dry
  • Raw
  • Tender
  • Scratchy


Home Remedies always work and in this case, you can treat sore throat at home.

  • Gargle with a mixture of warm water
  • Ginger with a little ripe, and honey mix it well then eat
  • Suck on a piece of hard candy or a lozenge.
  • Turn on a cool-mist humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  • Resy your voice until your throat feels better.


Globally, there an estimated 2 billion cases of diarrhea disease occur each year and 1.9 million children are under the age of 5 years.

Fever and diarrhea are the two most common illness, especially in children, so talk to your doctor about this.

Back pain is common nowadays because desktop jobs have been made, in which the work of sitting is due to which the pain of the back is common.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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