Dark Spots Banish dark spots are one of the toughest things that acne and pimples leave after occurring. Dark spots are one of the worst …
vitamin D
Say Goodbye To Postpartum Hair Loss: Grow Thick Hair Fast
Intro Say goodbye to Postpartum hair loss is easy but you have to work on it, which is a most common concern after delivery. During …
Why Does Tanning Affect Skin More On Water? Precautions, And More
What is tanning? Tanning commonly occurs under the sun (UV) light exposure, when skin color becomes darkened, or tanning. However, natural sunlight or artificial UV …
10 Foods Rich in Melatonin For a Good Night’s Sleep
Melatonin is a brain chemical that is responsible for sleep and is produced by our brain in response to darkness. It is also known for …
Ways To Increase Dopamine Level Naturally With Research Proven
Dopamine is one of the hormones in the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness, which we can boost naturally. Whenever we are …
10 Effects of Too Much Sugar In The Body – All Research Proven
Too much sugar in the body is associated with many health issues, and the most common of them is type II diabetes, and overweight. It …
12 Possible Reasons For Irregular Heartbeat, All Proven
Irregular heartbeat or abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) which happens when the heart runs very fast or very slow. In this situation individuals experience discomfort, pain, and …
10 Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism – Research-Based
Regular exercise and a healthy diet plan can speed up your metabolism which maintains energy level and overall health. Metabolism is a process, in which …
Food To Eat And Avoid For Overactive Thyroid Patients
What do you diet? because it plays a vital role in managing hyperthyroidism, however, some food may interfere with medicines. If the thyroid gland produces …
Hyperthyroidism Disorder: Reasons, Signs, Treatment, And More
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland and is located in your throat and produces a thyroid hormone. Around 42 million people in India have thyroid …