Dermatitis is a skin condition marked by skin inflammation, redness, dry skin, irritation, etc. Itching, dry skin, inflammation, and thick skin are common symptoms. Moreover, …
How to Get Rid of Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a skin condition marked by skin inflammation, redness, dry skin, irritation, etc. Itching, dry skin, inflammation, and thick skin are common symptoms. Moreover, …
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Urinary tract infection is the most common infection of the urinary tract (responsible for removing waste, and extra liquid from our …
UTIs after Menopause UTIs after menopause become more common, around 20% of women experience it after menopause and 11% of women before menopause. After menopause …
UTIs During Pregnancy UTIs during pregnancy, which commonly occur in pregnant women, due to hormonal changes, and pressure on the ureters. Moreover, UTIs are more …
Urinary Tract Infection Prevent UTIs in children by maintaining hygiene, wearing breathable clothes, drinking enough water, avoiding irritants things, etc UTI is an infection type …
What is Male Discharge? Male discharge is also known as penis discharge, which also consider both normal and abnormal, depending on what type is it. …
Salt is important for our body because it contains sodium and chloride, but too much salt can negatively affect the body. It plays a vital …
Caffeine is consumed worldwide, and it is mostly consumed in the form of coffee. This is naturally found in certain types of tea and cacao …
Blue light therapy does not directly treat jaundice but is working on breaking down bilirubin. Jaundice is a medical condition, where skin and eyes are …
Back Pain Back pain is the most common medical concern, which affects millions of people, especially those who sit for a long time. Even, In …