Can Walking Relieve Back Pain? And More – Research-Backed

A man is shown with his hands on his knees


Walking is one of the best ways to relieve back pain, even many doctors say that daily 30 minutes walk is good for health, and prevents many diseases.

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems, which affects everyone, whether it is lower, middle, or upper back pain.

Not moving enough daily can weaken your muscle, which make the pain worse in the long run, and also lead to other health problems.

If back pain is big, and walking is not making any difference, then consult your doctor, they will treat you according to your condition.

Causes of back pain

It can be due to any reason but in youngsters, it is their lifestyle like sitting for a long time, walking too little, can trigger back pain.

Lower back pain is most commonly seen, followed by upper pain, and middle (which is seen in some cases) around the world.

Here are the non-medical reasons for back pain are:

  • Long time sitting with less walking
  • Overstretching
  • Sleeping in a wrong way
  • Lifting overweight also increases the risk of slipped disc
  • Carrying or pushing something for a long-time, or it’s your daily job

Here are some medical-related issues that cause back pain are:

  • Injury in back
  • Kidney stones – It can be as painful as pinching a pin, usually on one side
  • Pregnancy
  • Infections, on the bladder kidney, and pelvic inflammation, may lead to pain
  • Tumors
  • Arthritis
  • Spinal nerve injury, inflammation, or damage

Does Walking Relieve Back Pain?

Walking is very good for lower back pain (which is mostly seen), if lower back pain issue, so brisk walking is good, not running, or jogging.

Brisk walking or just walking triggers your muscles around the spine and muscle of the lower limb, due to which there is relief in back pain.

Also, there are many studies that show, that people who walk tend to have less low back pain.

Sitting is one of the things that trigger you’re overall back most, so avoid sitting for longer than 30 to 40 minutes

If you spend a lot of time sitting in an office, so make sure to make your timetable, such as – Getting up out of the chair, stretching yourself, then going for a walk.

Research suggests that going on a walk or brisk walking can help relieve back pain if done regularly – for example, every day for 20 to 15 minutes.

Studies found that walking did not have a statistically significant effect on LBP, while others found walking combined with traction had a positive effect (2) (3).

Another research has found that increased levels of entertainment activity that included walking can decrease the future chronic LBP.

Other ways to get more exercise in your daily routine include:

  • Using stairs, instead of using lifts or escalators
  • Walk to your nearest public transport, if it is possible
  • Trying to walk or cycle as much as possible
  • If you are not late for the office then definitely go walking and running in the morning

Walking Benefits

There are many reasons why you should walk daily, especially those whose work is for sitting like in the office, etc.

Improve blood circulation

Moving your whole body can improve the blood pumping from your heart, it helps to heal wounds faster,

Walking 4–5 km daily improves mood, quality of life, and self-confidence and reduces metabolic risk (4).

Prevent heart attack and diseases

Both low and high-intensity exercises, prevent blood clots in the arteries and vessels, which is a major reason for heart attack.

Great way to maintain joint lubrication

Movements in the joint can decrease pain, and stiffness, and increase the range of motion.

Also promotes the body to produce extra synovial fluid.

Feel warm, and energetic

When you fast walk, your heartbeat goes up and down very fast which increases blood circulation throughout the body.

And releases endorphins which help minimize discomfort and raise the energy level.

Promote bone health

Daily 30 minutes of walking, can decrease the risk of bone issues, like arthritis, osteoporosis, and fracture.

Also, stimulate muscles

Help in improving sleeping

A walking intervention might reduce the sleep delay and increase total sleep duration in working persons without exercise habits (5).


As we all know fast walking can help in burning more calories, in comparison to normal walking, but low in comparison to running.

In one study where 11 moderate-weight women lost an average of 7.7 kg (10%) of their body weight, after 6 months of brisk daily walking.

Learn More – Obesity, And Pregnancy, Is Any Relation B/W Them, Risk

Exercises that help in relieving back pain?

There are many different types of exercise that have been good to treat chronic lower back pain, including low (6) (7) and high-intensity aerobic exercise (8) (9).

Aerobic exercises for back pain include:

  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Jogging on grass, and soil

Also, Muscle strength exercises, core stabilization, and stretching training are very good options for relieving back pain.

Stabilization exercises have been shown to be effective in reducing non-specific chronic low back pain (10) (11), but not in acute low back pain (12).

Stretching can improve the flexibility of the muscle tendons and ligaments in the back, which increase the range of motion of the joints, leading to assist back pain (13) (14).

Yoga is also one of the best ways to relieve lower back pain fast because I have seen the result by practicing it myself.

Here are some best of the best yoga asanas to treat back pain include:

  • Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Bow pose (Dhanurasana)
  • Wind-relieving pose (Pawanmuktasana)
  • Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
  • Child pose (Balasana)

However, exercise is safe for people with back pain, and it does not increase the risk of future back injuries or work absence (15).

Can Too Much Walking Harm Us?

Walking can be beneficial in any way, but it if becomes your daily habit (doing it in any condition) can cause pain in your knees.

But some conditions that make trigger your joint, and cause pain to become worse include:

  • Low nutrition intake, which is essential for bone health
  • Age, above 40 years old
  • Walking on a hard surface
  • Low-quality shoes or totally rubbing shoes.

After quitting habits it will heal with proper nutrition, rest, etc, if not. Consult your doctor, they will prescribe you some medicine, or creams.


Not moving enough daily can weaken your muscle, which make the pain worse in the long run, and also lead to other health problems.

Some Yoga is also one of the best ways to relieve lower back pain fast because I have seen the result by practicing it myself.

Walking triggers your muscles around the spine and muscle of the lower limb, due to which there is relief in back pain.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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