8 Warning Signs of Male Discharge: Don’t Neglect These

Male Discharge

Discharge after intercourse or self-abuse is normal, but bad odour, blood, etc are clear warning signs of male discharge or health issues.

MD refers to the discharge of fluid from the penis, In some cases, it is completely normal, but frequently, odour and colour changes like blood are not normal.

It may indicate a health issue like infection, swelling, or even cancer in the genital, so talk to your doctor about this condition.

As same as men, it also occurs in women, where frequent, abnormal colour indicates a health concern, In women, the reason may vary.

It may occur due to bad habits, and some health conditions include:

  • penis and gentiles health issues
  • may be frequent masturbation for a long time
  • urinary tract infection
  • ejaculation or pre-ejaculation
  • sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • medicines side effects

Any injury on the genitals and penis area may be your reason, and in the case of medical, after treatment, there is a lot of relief in it.

Consult your doctor, if you notice pain, see abnormal colour, odor, irritation, and frequent discharge without intercourse.

Check Out – Ways to control masturbation

There are several reasons for it, but here are given 8 warning signs of male discharge include:

Unpleasant Odour

It is the most common warning sign in both male and female discharge.

Foul, unpleasant, and strong odours are clear signs of infection, if you notice any abnormal odour, then consult your doctor.

Not only is discharge from the penis a warning sign, but a hard smell from poop, and saliva can also be a health concern.

Discharge Without S**ual Activity

It is more commonly seen in patients, but it does not consider a common symptom, it may be a urinary tract infection and other concerns.

There is no evidence that tells that excessive masturbation is a reason for male and female discharge.

So it becomes important to seek medical help because it clear sign of a medical issue, or maybe a reason for medications.

Increased Discharge

If you have seen that discharge occurs without reason, or noticed that it’s increased, then you should consult your doctor.

It can overall disturb your daily activity and affects your health negatively like low bone density, fatigue, feeling dizzy, etc

But in women, it may occur most during pregnancy, period, and intercourse activity.

Discharge with Pain, and Buring Sensation

If pain and burning sensation occur during peeing or discharge then it is an alarm of internal health concern.

This type of discomfort is a more solid sign of concern, seeking medical help is necessary in all these cases (2)

Abnormal Color

Unpleasant odour and abnormal colour are the most common and easily seen signs of male discharge.

Any changes in colour (apart from clear water, or yellowish-white) like red, green, grey, etc is an alarm of an underlying medical condition.

Red means – blood, and green, yellow, and grey are a sign of infection.

Changes in Consistency

If unusual, and increased discharge occur, then, Of course, the fluid becomes thicker and more watery (3)

If a thick or pus-like discharge occurs, then it is a sign of yeast infection, and watery discharge is a sign of hormonal imbalance.

Consult the doctor, if you face any pain, or discomfort, not only in this case, but in other concerns also.

Discharge with Penis Swelling

Swelling, redness, irritation, and itchiness in the penis and genital area are a sign of infection or inflammation.

Make sure to consult your doctor before the infection reaches on next level, Severe infection may damage that particular area badly.

Doctors will take proper diagnosis like your urine and blood test, then give you medication according to your condition.

May Present for Several Days

If discharge continuously occurs for several days or is frequent each night, then it may affect both mental and physical health.

Consult your doctor, and don’t shy about what you notice to tell the doctor, because it may become a severe issue in further without treatment.

Down Line

Unpleasant odour, abnormal colour, and pain are common noticeable alarm signs of both female and male discharge.

Discharge is normal in both females and males.

It is necessary to talk to your doctor, if you notice any discomfort, feel pain, or a burning sensation during peeing.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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