Mango (The King of Fruits): Nutrition, And Their Delicious Health Benefits


Mango is a fruit that is also called the king of fruit in many parts of the world. 

So, today we will get to know about this mango fruit, how mango fruit is called the king of fruits, and its nutrition, precaution, and healthy benefits. 

1. Mango (The king of fruit)

king of fruit is a fleshy stone fruit originating from severe species of tropical trees related to the fruit plant genus Mangifera. whose cultivation is mostly done in the eating of fruits. 

Mangoes are native to southeast Asia and have been cultivated for 4000 years, where Indian mangoes are cultivated most and distributed from around the world. 

The mangoes is hanging on the tree

These fruits are not only good for eating, but they also boost our immune system and at the same time provide many health benefits.

There are hundreds of types of mangoes. each mango has its type, flavour, and colour.

आम studies suggest that mango nutrients are associated with many health benefits such as:

  • Strengthening the immune system
  • eye health, heart health, skin, and hair
  • improve the digestion system
  • help in weight loss
  • reduce the risk of diabetes
  • as well as the lower risk of certain cancers

Quick facts

  • Mango is one of the delicious nutrient-rich fruits an also known as the king of fruits in many parts of the world.
  • Mango is first grown in India over 4000 years ago and it is one of the oldest fruit known to India.  
  • This is the national fruit of India that why we call it (the king of fruits) and also called in many parts of the world.
  • Apart from India, mangoes are the national fruit of the Philippines and Pakistan and the national tree of Bangladesh. 
  • Mangoes seeds spreading started with humans about 400 AD ago in the Middle East, east Africa, and South America.
  • The extract origin of the term ‘mango’ is not known. the word is believed to have come from the Portuguese language ‘manga’ which is probably from Malayalam ‘manga’.
  • There are 100 varieties of mangoes in India. and 400 varieties around the world. 
  • The red mango is the world’s most expensive mango it weighs about 700 grams and costs $70 according to many people mango has a sweet taste of 15 times the normal mango.  
  • Mangoes trees can grow to 114-131 feet (35-40 m) 
  • Mango is the most frequently consumed fruit in the world and 220 gram of mangoes contain 100 calories. 

2. Mango Nutrition data

Mango is low in calories but fully loaded with nutrition.

one cup (120 gram) of sliced mango provides:

  • Calories: 78
  • Protein: 0.16 gram
  • Carbs: 20.4 gram
  • Total fat: 0.32 gram
  • Iron: 0.16 mg
  • Dietary fiber: 2.2 gram
  • Vitamin C: 33.2 mg
  • Vitamin A: 46 mcg
  • Sugar: 17.76 gram
  • Sodium: 2 mg
  • Potassium: 187 mg

Mango also contains short values of phosphorous, pantothenic acid, iron, calcium, and selenium.

One cup of 120 grams of mango provides nearby 33.2 mg vitamin C – a water-soluble vitamin that aids your immune system, helps your body absorb iron, and improves growth and repair.

3. Health benefits

There are several health benefits of mango include:

Promotes hair and skin health

Mango supports hair growth because it contains a good amount of vitamin A.

Its nutrients help the skin to provide an oily substance called sebum that moisturizes the hair, causing problems such as dry hair, dandruff

Vitamin A in mango is necessary for the growth of all our body tissue including our hair. 

Vitamin C and D are found in mango and vitamin C found in it makes our skin elasticity and prevents sagging and wrinkle. also, vitamin A promotes healthy hair. 

May support heart health

Mangoes contain magnesium and potassium which prevent bad cholesterol in the blood vessel and helps in maintaining a healthy pulse, which promotes lower blood pressure levels. 

King of fruit is also a bright source of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant and fight free radicals that cause diseases of our heart.

Mango has a unquie antioxidants called mangiferin. and mango contains nutritions that support a healthy heart.

Animal studies have found that mangiferin can protect heart cells against inflammatory and oxidative stress.

And one more thing is that the amount of fiber, potassium, and vitamin A helps in reducing the arteries, which reduces the risk of heart diseases significantly. 

Promotes Good Eyesight

One cup of sliced mango contains enough vitamin A for daily needs, which promotes eyesight, and prevents night blindness, and dry eyes.

Two essential nutritional antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin accumulates in the retina of the eye, the part that signals the brain so that your brain can see what you are seeing.

Mango is a good source of vitamin A which supports eye health.

Vitamin A  deficiency can be associated with dry eyes, weak eyesight.

More severe deficiencies can cause more serious problems, such as corneal scarring. 

Good for Digestive system

The mangoes have many properties that make them great for digestive health. 

These enzymes that aid in the breakdown and digestion of protein, and also fiber, which facilities the smoother flow of food and waste through the digestive tract. 

And in another thing, the mango has a lot of water and fiber which helps in solving digestive problems like diarrhea and constipation.  

A four-week study found that consuming mangoes daily is more effective in relieving chronic constipation-like symptoms than supplementing those with the same amount of soluble fibre in people with chronic constipation. 

This king of fruit also has components other than dietary fiber that aid digestive health. 

May help in certain types of Cancer

The long-term benefits of dietary fiber to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, heart diseases, and type -II diabetes are additional tips.  

Research has found that the antioxidant found in mangoes also protects against breast, colon, and prostate cancer


The presence of vitamin A makes mangoes good in foods that are essential for bone health.

This fruit is also rich in vitamin E, which is known to boost S*x drive.

4. Delicious or easily Add to your diet

Here are some ways you can enjoy mango: 

  • The best option is to make its juice and drink it.  
  • Dice it and add to salses
  • In the summer season, you can eat it as a dessert and salad. 
  • You can chop it and eat it with other fruits. 

Another thing is that the amount of sugar in mangoes is more than that of other fruits. 

Down Line

The mango is the national fruit of  India that why we called them (the king of fruits) and is also called in many parts of the world.

Its nutrients help the skin to provide an oily substance called sebum that moisturizes the hair, causing problems such as dry hair, dandruff. 

Note: The red mangoes are the world’s most expensive mango its cost around 70 $. 

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