10 Home-Remedies That Remove Your Acne Naturally

A girl having dark spots on face


Home remedies for acne, and pimples, have been used traditionally,

One more thing is that acne and pimple are not the same. acne is a skin condition, and pimples are one of its symptoms.

NOTE: Acne affects around 9.4% of the global population, making it the 8th most prevalent illness worldwide.

It is a very common skin problem, which is mostly seen in 18 to 22-year-old teenagers, but things get worse when it causes spots, which do not even go away.

A girl having dark spots on face

What Causes Acne?

Acne is a condition affecting the skin’s hair follicles and the oil gland.

When the sebum that oil and the dead cells of the skin come together, they plug the follicles and they plug attracts the bacteria, causing inflammation, and redness.

Other causes of acne:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Genetic
  • stress
  • Infection
  • Diet

Internal cleaning is also important. if we suffer from constipation. so it’s will affect our skin.

Home-Remedies for ance

Here are some powerful home remedies that have been used for treating acne for centuries, which are research-based strong evidence.


Neem (Azadirachta indica) has an anti-acne formulation prepared from herbal extracts.

NOTE: I experienced that neem water as bathing helps in clearing acne, scars, wound healing, pimples, and blackheads.

The anti-fungal, anti-biotic, antiseptic, and anti-infection properties help in healing the wound fast, clearing out blemishes, and also relieving the intestine warmth.

Teenagers, especially 19 to 20 get to see acne, pimples, and dark spots on their faces, they must try this.

How to use

  • You can take a bath with its leaves, or you can consume its leaves, and eliminate the pimples from inside.
  • Also, apply its paste on the affected area, and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Do it 3 times a week.

Coconut Oil

It is best for a skin condition because it is rich in anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties, which also aid in the treatment of acne.

A study showed that coconut oil contains lauric acid, which can kill acne bacteria that causes inflammatory acne.

NOTE: Apart from this, applying coconut oil to your skin can also help with dry skin people, and keep it hydrated.

A creature study showed that coconut oil combined with an anti-toxin applied to the skin was successful at healing burn wounds.

How to use

  • Simply – rub coconut oil in your palms and gently apply it over the affected area or face.
  • Continue the massage for 10 minutes.
  • Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes for better results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant

In a clinical trial study of 60 patients who took 50% aloe vera gel with tretinoin cream for 8 weeks, resulting was significantly more effective than tretinoin.

Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that can assist with controlling and removing acne inflammation-causing bacteria.

It can promote the synthesis of collagen, which helps in the fast healing of scars and wounds.

Aloe vera contains a good amount of water and is an excellent lotion, so it is particularly reasonable for those, who get dry skin from anti-acne items.

Another study suggests that yellow aloe vera was not only effective in treating acne.

How to use

  • Take a pure aloe vera, apply it directly to your skin, and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • You can buy aloe gel, cream, lotion, and moisturizer, which contain at least 10% aloe vera.

Green Tea

In one study, 20 patients with mild to moderate acne were given a 2% green tea lotion over 6 weeks, the result was found to be more effective than pretreatment (2).

Green tea is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory that can help to reduce skin irritation, inflammation, redness, and swelling.

It might assist clear with a trip a portion of the trash and waste that has developed in open acne sores.

Also helpful in:

  • Weight lose
  • Brain function
  • Healthy Aging
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Reduce the risk of heart stroke

Numerous studies show that applying green tea extract to the skin altogether reduces the creation of sebum and pimples in those with skin inflammation (3).

How to use

  • Do a boiled green tea bag, and leave it to cool.
  • Then apply its water to your skin using a cotton ball, or pour it into a spray bottle to apply.
  • Leave it to dry, then rinse it off with water.


This plant has been traditionally used medically for years for acne, boiled, scabies, eruptions of the skin, and other skin diseases.

The result revealed that leaf extract and the non-alkaloid fraction are valuable antitumor promotors in carcinogenesis (4).

NOTE: You can also get relief from piles by using it, due to the balancing act of the doshas that prevents constipation and other stomach issues.

How to use

  • People use its oil to relieve acne and gently apply it on their skin using a cotton ball.
  • Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Clear your skin with cold water, and repeat this process 1-2 times a day, if it is necessary.


honey home remedy for cold and cough

Honey has been used for thousands of years, which is a very good strong moisturize, which remain skin soft..

It contains many antioxidants that can help to clear waste and debris from clogged pores.

How to use

  • Gently well apply a few drops of honey on the pimples.
  • Just rub it and keep it for 10 minutes, now rinse it with warm water.

Tea Tree Oil

TTO has a broad spectrum of antibacterial properties and reduces skin inflammation, due to the inhibition of histamine release (5).

Studies have shown that Tea tree oil contains an antimicrobial agent, which becomes an effective treatment for skin conditions such as tinea pedis and acne.

Another study reported that TTO gel was found to be 3.55 and 5.75 times more efficient than placebo for total acne count and acne severity, respectively (6).

How to use

  • You can use TTO with carrier oil if you are using an essential oil, always dilute it with a carrier oil, first.
  • Then, use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected area.
  • Repeat this process 1-2 times a day, if needed.

Rose Mary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) is a household plant, which is grown in many parts of the world. It is used as a beverage drink, flavouring food, also in cosmetics.

Its extracts contain chemicals and compounds that have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidants.

Rosemary Officinalis oil has also been effective against P. acnes, a type of bacteria that causes acne (7)

Its oil contains anti-inflammatory as well as antispasmodic properties, which work excellently to relieve joint pain and muscle pain (8).

How to use

  • Take 2 drops of rosemary oil, with tea tree oil or any carrier oil, because essential oil may react along with the skin.
  • Then gently massage your skin, now leave it for 10 minutes.
  • After that clear it with cold water.

Apple Cide Vigneau

apple cider vinegar

This is the best home remedy for almost everything including:

ACV contains lactic acid, which is used to assist with reducing the presence of acne scarring, but in modest quality, it probably not going to have a huge effect. (9).

It absorbs excess oil and keeps the skin pores clean and exfoliated naturally, soft, and smooth, and flaws-free skin.

As well as, helps in reducing the redness of your pimples, and their size.

NOTE: ACV juice contains natural acids, for example, citrus extract, that has been found to kill P. acnes (skin inflammation) (10).

It also has some cons, such as applying it directly on the skin for a long time can cause a burning sensation (11)

How to use

  • Mix ACV with water (use more water for sensitive skin), and you can also use 2 tbsps of honey.
  • Make sure, the skin should be clean, then apply it on the skin, using a cotton ball.
  • Let it stay for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it with clean water.
  • Do this process 1-2 times a day.

Yogurt and Black Pepper

One of the very good packs is yogurt and black pepper, it helps increase oxygen to your skin, removing inflammation, and infections.

Providing more oxygen helps in taking care of your acne and pimples.

How to use

  • Keep its pack on your face, keep it for some time, then massage it.
  • Now wash it out after 10 -15 minutes.

Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Acne

Here are some changes that help in preventing acne:

  1. Wash your face twice a day with face wash, it removes excess oil and bacteria.
  2. drink plenty of water a day, which flushes out toxins and substances.
  3. wear sunglasses, especially in the afternoon period.
  4. do not touch your face frequently
  5. take a shower after exercise
  6. wash your clothes regularly
  7. avoid wearing too much makeup, especially for girls.
  8. sleep well.
  9. avoid oily, street, processed, and junk foods
  10. add Zinc to your diet foods including – roasted flax seeds, kidney beans, lentils, and cashews are the best sources of Zinc.


TTO has a broad spectrum of antibacterial properties and reduces skin inflammation, due to the inhibition of histamine release.

Coconut oil is best for a skin condition because it is rich in anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties, which also aid in the treatment of acne.

Aloe vera has antibacterial properties that can assist with controlling and removing acne inflammation-causing bacteria.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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