What is Testosterone?
In males, testosterone (T hormone) plays a king role in the development of the male reproductive system.
T is the hormone found in the human body, responsible for the development of the male s*xual system. and the brain and pituitary gland control T hormone levels.
I thought T only occurs in men, but no, T hormones also occur in females, but in a small amount.
In men, the testis (two-oval-shaped organs located under the penis) produces the T hormone.
In females, the ovaries (two oval-shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left of the uterus) produce T hormone, but in much smaller amounts.
The production of T in a male starts 7 weeks after conception.
T levels rise during puberty, which is between 12 and 16 in males, and after 30, male T levels begin to decrease slightly each year, which is normal.
It is the major s*x hormone in males and a good amount of T hormone plays several important roles, including:
- S*x drive
- Bone density
- Voice change
- Give muscle mass and strength
- Red blood cell production
- Good Sperm production
However, low T levels such as baldness (गंजेपन) this low T signs also occur in women with baldness and infertility.
Testosterone in Women’s
Testosterone is an androgen, which is a male s*x hormone that plays a vital role in reproduction, In females, the ovaries produce T hormones, but in much smaller amounts.
But why do females produce low T hormones?
(1) A female’s body easily converts T and other androgens to female s*x hormones.
(2) Most females don’t develop male-like body features because testosterone and other androgen act differently in their bodies.
(3) If the female body produces an excess amount of T hormone or other androgens, the body cannot keep up with making changes in androgen.
(4) As a result, they may experience more male s*x features such as facial hair, hair in other body parts, and baldness. that is why females have low testosterone production.
Note: Even If the T level is high or low they play an vital role in maintaining health and libido for both.
Low Testosterone Level in Men
A good level of T hormone may also help maintain a normal mood, give strength, good sperm production, and a good s*x drive.
However, after 30 male T levels begin to decrease slightly each year.
When it comes to s*x hormones, men are driven by the “T hormone“, and women are driven by estrogen.
Both have this but in women, estrogen is more than in men, In men, testosterone is more than in women.
NOTE: Man can experience a range of signs if T hormones decrease more than they should.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, a normal range of T level is 300 to 1,000 ng/dl.
A range of signs can occur if you have low testosterone production including:
- Low libido
- Get tired early, weakness
- lose weight
- baldness
- Affected memory
- Thinner bones
Some other reasons causes low testosterone include:
- Injury in testicle
- Cancer treatment, or radiation in the testicle
- Excessive alcohol
- Kidney disease
- Metabolic disorders mean – too much iron on the body
Too many Low T levels occur in women which are caused by multiple factors such as:
- The removal of ovaries
- diseases in the pituitary, and adrenal glands
Testosterone therapy (TRP) is used to help treat people with abnormally low levels of the T hormone.
It helps to increase your body’s overall T level and eliminate and decrease certain signs of low testosterone.
Testosterone level range
As we know both men and women have different ranges of testosterone levels, and In women, normal T levels range from 15 to 70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood.
In men, normal T hormone levels range between 280 and 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl) for adult males.
How To increase the T level?

Many men face low T hormones due to several issues, but rapidly increasing testosterone levels can cause body composition and s*xual function.
Here are some ways to increase T levels naturally include:
- Lift weight: Much evidence found that people who exercised regularly had higher testosterone levels.
- Some resistance exercises such as weight lifting, Bench press, etc are the best way to boost T in both the long and short term.
- Eat a well-balanced diet: This means – that eating enough protein, and vitamins, can help you to maintain your good weight.
- Carbs: carbs also play a vital role. research suggests that carbs help optimize testosterone.
- More effective during resistance training. and you can find carbs in oats, bananas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, etc.
- Fish: Fatty fish such as salmon, and tuna, are rich in vitamin D. It’s a natural testosterone booster because it plays a crucial role in hormone production.
Benefits of Testosterone
A level of T hormones affects the body in every way. whether it is your s*x power or baldness (गंजेपन.) it also plays a role in certain behaviours.
Men have more than enough T hormones. but the body can produce too little testosterone. this leads to a condition called hypogonadism.
There are multiple benefits of sufficient T hormones including:
- Strong bones: T plays a huge role in bone mineral density. Bone density decreases as men age and testosterone levels drop.
- Less fat, more muscle: T is responsible for increased muscle mass.
- Cardiovascular health: T helps red blood cell production through the bone marrow. and low testosterone levels are linked to a variety of cardiovascular risks.
- Longer s*x drive: Testosterone has an influence on s*x drive in both men and women.
Experts believe that naturally high levels of T hormones cause a positive change in the s*x drive of males.
Down Line
T is the hormone found in the human body. which is responsible for the development of the male s*xual system.
Hormones may also help maintain a normal mood, give strength, and good sperm production, but after 30 male T levels begin to decrease.
Some resistance exercises such as weight lifting, Bench press, etc are the best way to boost T in both the long and short term.
Testosterone therapy (TRP) is used to help treat people with abnormally low levels of the T hormone.
Note: Even If the T level is high or low they play an important role in maintaining health and libido for both.