Hemoglobin is a protein in our red blood cells that work to carry oxygen. A hemoglobin test tells how much hemoglobin is in your blood.
If someone has insufficient RBC, then they are not able to function properly, then it means that the number of RBCs is decreased, this condition is called ‘anemia’.
Anemia is a condition, where there is a lack of sufficient healthy RBC due to which not enough oxygen reaches the body tissues.
What Is Hemoglobin?
Hemoglobin is made up of Iron and lots of protein, if it is reduced in our blood, then taking natural oxygen, taking food, all those things decrease.
NOTE: Basically, hemoglobin is a type of chemical in which iron and a lot of protein are mixed and it carries the oxygen in our body, through our blood.
It is made in our bone marrow.
Each hemoglobin molecule is made up of four heme groups surrounding a globin group forming a tetrahedral structure.
What Normal Level?
This level is different in females, in men, and in children, if it is less than 12 in females and less than 13 in males then it is considered low.
- The normal Hemoglobin level should be for males is 14 to 18 g/dl.
- In Infants, 15 to 18 gm/dl
- For females is 12 to 16 g/dl (gram per deciliter).
In some countries where poverty is high, which seen there that 7 to 8 are seen in poor people, which is a very low level.
Hemoglobin is a protein, that is made up of amino acid chains (1).
All hemoglobin carries the – ‘Heme’ is a pigmented part, which contains two things are:
- Iron
- porphyrin, both are connected to each other and transport oxygen in the bloodstream.
Now talk about – ‘Globin’, which is a protein part, it is made up of polypeptide chains, and has two types of chain are:
- Alpha chain (141 amino acids)
- Beta chain (146 amino acids)
NOTE: The structure of Globin in adults is made up of Alpha and beta chains, but in newly born babies, this structure is made up of Alpha and Delta chains.
These alpha and beta chains are present in pairs means 2 alpha and 2 betas.
For example – 2 pair alpha chains contain 282 amino acids, and 2 pair beta chains contain 292 = a total of 574 amino acids are present in this.
What Is Low hemoglobin
Insufficient hemoglobin levels basically indicate anemia, which causes symptoms like fatigue and trouble breathing.
Anyone can suffer from Iron-deficiency anemia, however, the following groups may be at higher risk:
- Pregnant women during childbirth, and during the month period
- Older than 65, are more likely the risk of anemia
- Cardiovascular diseases have been associated with a higher prevalence of anemia.
- People who are in the blood-thinning process.
- Those People whose body has trouble absorbing iron, like in celiac disease
- Patients suffering from long-term illnesses may have an increased risk of anemia.
- Kidney disease and chemotherapy for cancer can also affect the body’s ability to RBC.
And there are several kinds of anemia. which include:
Iron-Deficiency Anemia
This type of anemia happens when people do not give enough iron to the body. but it can also be due to poor absorption of iron.
Its symptoms include:
- Shortness of breath
- fatigue can lead to an increase in the workload on the heart
- dizziness which also can lead to tachycardia.
Hemolytic Anemia
This is a genetic condition, In this red blood cells are broken up in the bloodstream or the spleen. and these people’s symptoms are irritability, jaundice, etc.
Aplastic Anemia
In this case, it’s not just about RBC that actually being affected in this. It’s usually also platelets and white blood cells.
This condition occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. In this people are more prone to infection.
Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia
This is also called ‘pernicious anemia’, B-12 comes from leafy vegetables, and certain types of meat, so make sure to consume proper B-12.
NOTE: If it still does not get better, then the main cause of it is an autoimmune condition.
NOTE: In this, the body produces antibodies, that attack the intrinsic factor and prevent the B-12 binding, so there is less B-12 in the bloodstream.
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Sick cell anemia
The sick cell is an inherited RBC disorder.
In this, protein becomes abnormal-means the RBC is sickle-shaped and rigid which stops them from flowing through small blood vessels.
In babies, too quickly cell breakdown can lead to anemia, resultin to jaundice occurring when the mother and baby have incompatible blood types.
What Is High Hemoglobin?
If you have a high red blood cell or you have a huge hematocrit level- means that you have a lot of RBC or hemoglobin is a lot more in your body.
If the hemoglobin level is high, it may be the reason of:
- Dehydration
- Living at a high altitude
- Too much smoking
- A disorder, In which bone marrow makes too many RBCs
- Lung disease
- Burns
- Heavy vomiting
- Excessive physical exercise
It can also lead to clots, which causes heart attack, and strokes. If you are living at a high altitude where oxygen is low, it also reasons for hemoglobin.
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How To Test Hemoglobin level?
For this, a simple blood test happens, and no special preparation is necessary.
A doctor takes a blood sample from your fingertip, but in infants, a blood sample is obtained by pricking a pin into the heel.
Results are like this, In males, 14 to 18 grams per deciliter is considered, in case of less and more than this, the doctor may advise you on medicines.
For females 12 to 16 g/dl is considered, it should not be more or less than this.
In newborn baby 14 to 24 g/dL or 140 to 240 g/L is consider. and In Infant: 9.5 to 13 g/dL or 95 to 130 g/L (2).
Treatment and Prevent
There is no specific treatment, the doctor may advise you on some medicine, and treatment depends on your condition, whether, the situation is mild or severe.
A change in diet can help people to consume more iron and vitamins.
If this is caused by another condition, so in this case treatment is different medicines, antibiotics, and blood transfusions are used for aplastic anemia.
The doctor will treat you based on your condition and the type of anemia you have.
Here are some tips to prevent anemia condition. which include:
- Eat good meals like iron, vitamins, protein, nuts, green vegetables, fish, pulses, etc.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol
- Do exercise at least 1 hour daily
- Avoid drinking excessive coffee, tea, and junk food
This level is different in females, in men, and in children, if it is less than 12 in females and less than 13 in males then it is considered low.
A change in diet can help people to consume more iron and vitamins.
Low hemoglobin levels basically indicate anemia, which causes symptoms like fatigue and trouble breathing.