How To Remain Fit Without Exercise, 8 Ways That Help You

A girl is operating her mobile while sitting on the bench


It is the desire of many people to remain healthy or fit without going gym or exercising, and yes it is possible.

But, without doing physical activity it becomes very hard to maintain a fit body, any physical activity even just daily 15-30 minutes of walking is necessary.

There are many peoples who remain fit, even muscular without going to the gym, something like this – doing all your work yourself, eating healthy food, etc.

Learn – Simple Exercises For Beginners: At Home

Here are 9 Excellent ways to remain fit without joining a gym or doing hard exercise, also help in weight loss, with science-backed.

8 Ways That Help You Stay Fit and Healthy Without Exercise

If you want to stay healthy without going to the gym and exercising, then a good solution is to become more active in your daily routine, which also helps in weight loss.

A girl is operating her mobile while sitting on the bench

Eat Enough Protein Daily

We need enough protein daily, which is made up of amino acids, that play a vital role in repairing muscles, and bones.

And the body is also used this an energy source.

Protein has a very good effect on hunger. it can increase the feeling of fullness, which can help you to consume fewer calories by reducing your appetite (2).

This is because proteins affect several hormones, including ghrelin (for hunger) and GLP-1 which play a vital role in appetite, and fullness.

Consuming proteins with healthy fats foods, such as:

NOTE: We need only 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per/kilo bodyweight means – if you are a 70 kg person, you need only 65-70 grams of protein.

However, if you are children, pregnant, and breastfeeding woman, need more protein.

In the case of a sportsman, an athlete, needs extra protein, according to their activity level.

In one study, overweight women were given 2 eggs for breakfast and fewer calories in the afternoon, compared to those who ate grain-related food in the afternoon.

As a result, they ate fewer calories at the end of the day and during the next 36 hours.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Dietary fiber is excellent for the stomach, which decreases the chance of constipation, by giving stool a soft layer.

Fiber also absorbs water from the stool, which solidifies the stool, and makes softens stools so that they pass more easily, which promotes overall bowel health.

There are two types of fiber – soluble, and insoluble fiber:

  1. Soluble fiber: It assists speed with increasing the travel of food in the digestive system, and preventing constipation.
  2. Insoluble fiber: Is like a roughage that pushes things forward into your elementary canal.

One study showed that eating soluble fiber daily is linked to a loss of belly fat and a 3.7% lower risk of gaining belly fat.

Studies also show that there is a type of fibre called viscous fiber. Can be especially helpful for weight loss. It increases fullness and reduces food intake (4).

  • Fruits like berries, avocado apples, citrus fruit, Barley
  • Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, peas, psyllium, cauliflower
  • Dry fruits like nuts, chickpeas, legumes, beans
  • Whole grain, sprouts, wheat
  • Oats

Learn – 8 Home Remedies To Help Relieve Constipation Naturally

Eat Fewer Meals Than Before

To achieve a healthy weight you need to consume fewer calories than you consume before.

Eating less can certainly help in staying fit, and healthy.

Food sizes have increased over the past few decades, especially from restaurants.

Large portions of food lead people to overeat which is linked to increased weight gain and obesity, which enhance the risk of heart attack, stomach issue, etc (5).

Eating just a little less can make a big difference in your health, In this, you automatically take fewer calories, and you might not notice the difference for a week.

NOTE: Basically, eating less food means cutting down the amount of food you eat daily, by some percentage.

Try Weight Lose Foods And Liquids

Yes, weight loss food and liquid are some of the popular foods that are easily found in almost every home, especially in obese people.

Here are some popular food, and liquids that may help in weight loss.

These certain food and liquid are low in calories, and high in protein, which kicks up metabolism, also help you fulfil longer, and prevent frequent cravings.

Drink Enough Water

Drinking water accelerates your metabolism, especially warm water in the morning with an empty stomach, which helps in reducing weight in a healthy way.

Studies have also shown that drinking 1 to 2 glasses of water about 30 minutes before meals reduces appetite and also reduces the number of calories.

Warm water helps to break down your fat molecules faster which leads to weight loss. you will definitely see the result in 1 to 2 months.

However, drinking warm water in the morning on an empty bowel clears the stomach waste substance which makes you feel hungry.

Learn – Cold Water Vs Hot Water

Add More Activity To Your Daily Life

Daily activity keeps you fit, and healthy and also improves your stomach, heart, and lungs health.

With some small changes in your life, you can stay fit without going to the gym.

You just have to fight laziness which I think is one of the most common reasons for being obese. how can fight laziness? here are:

  • Listen to music while cleaning
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Play outdoor games, you can play also active indoor games
  • Go for a walk after eating
  • Instead of going to delivery and grocery pickup, go and buy yourself
  • Go the long way instead of the short one
  • Clean with yourself instead of electronic things for cleaning like a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, etc
  • Instead of sitting, standing is better, it would burn more calories than sitting.
  • It would be better to cycle and walk instead of driving.

Avoid Sitting For More Than 30 Minutes At a time

If you work sitting in the office or you work from home then you should get up after every 30 minutes and move around a little, it increases blood circulation.

NOTE: Sitting for too long makes your metabolism slow, affects blood sugar levels, and increases body fat, which causes weaker muscles and bones.

Sitting for a long time can lead to:

  • Weakens your back
  • poor posture
  • risk of diabetes
  • heart stroke
  • spider veins
  • increase the risk of premature death
  • pulmonary embolism
  • bone rises from the back of the neck. 

One study found that no matter how much exercise you do, you should take a break after every 30 minutes.

So make sure, every 30 minutes get up, and go for a walk.

Learn More – Sitting Risks

Stay Away From Unhealthy Foods

Eating processed, fast, and highly fatty foods are the most common reason for obesity (overweight).

Street food, like momos, chili potatoes, pasta, and other junk food, can also promote other health conditions like kidney stones, type II diabetes, fatty liver, etc.

We are not saying that should stop completely, you can eat twice a month, but not twice a week, doing so will not be good for your health at all.

Unhealthy or street food leads imbalance of hormones, such as leptin and serotonin, which could also lead to food cravings.

One study discovered that if high calories in food are more apparent in the home, then there is a possibility of gaining more weight compared to just a bowl of fruit (9).

NOTE: It will take time approx 1 to 3 weeks, if you want to lose weight or get fit quickly, then you should add some basic exercise such as running.


Warm water helps to break down your fat molecules faster which leads to weight loss. you will definitely see the result in 1 to 2 months.

To achieve a healthy weight you need to consume fewer calories than you consume before.

NOTE: We need only 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per/kilo bodyweight means – if you are a 70 kg person, you need only 65-70 grams of protein.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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