Sitting Risks: A Person Who Sits For Long Hours Should See This

A Man Drinking from a Mug While Using a Laptop

Many people sit for the whole day which is not good, and our body is not designed for too much sitting.

But sitting for a few minutes can recover stress, and recover from exercise.

However, nowadays our lifestyle makes us sit much more than we move around.

Sitting can be a good break after a busy day, however, sitting for more than 8 hours can lead to postural issues, tired neck, and disc damage.

There is much evidence that suggests that, unless you are a wheelchair user, sitting down too much can lead to several health issues.

You can prevent too much sitting by taking a break after every 30 minutes, walking, using the stairs, joining active games, etc.

This topic will tell you why too much sitting is bad for your health and more.

Hidden Danger of Long Sitting

A Man Drinking from a Mug While Using a Laptop

When you sit, you use less energy than you do when you stand or move.

The human body is built to stand upright, this way our heart, blood circulation, and digestive system work effectively.

As far as you sit down the electrical activity in muscles drops significantly and your calorie-burning rate comes to 1 calorie per minute.

Sitting for a long time suppresses blood circulation, resultin in poor body posture, weight gain, and increasing the risk of diseases.

Other potential health issues include:

  • Heart disease – One study found that people who sat for long had a raised risk of heart rate, compared to other moving persons (1).
  • Short life – In 2009 a study was published, that found a close relationship between long hours of sitting and raised risk of death.
  • Laziness will grow up – The effect of too much sitting can affect your speed, even if you work 6 to 8 hours a day.

Risk of Long Sitting

1. Weak legs

By sitting for a long time, you are not dependent on your lower body, over time which weakens the leg muscles.

Most people must have experienced swelling in their limbs when they sit.

This is because when you sit your nerves, arteries and veins can become blocked due to compression.

Which limits nerve signalling causing numbness, and reduces blood flow in your limbs, causing them to swell.

Additionally, a long period of sitting can lead to the weakening and wasting away of the large leg and gluteal muscles (3).

2. Less Concentration

Most of the time, when we sit down, we use our brain, but a long time of sitting can also affect our brain health. but how?

Being stationary reduces blood flow and the amount of oxygen in the body, resultin drop in the concentration level.

Physical movement not only helps pump blood and oxygen to the brain but also sends mood-enhancing hormones.

3. Back Pain

Sitting for a long time is one of the major reasons for back pain also the backbone bends inwards.

Uncomfortable, and poor sitting posture over time can damage spinal structures which contribute to neck or back pain (2).

Sitting in a reclined position can put a strain on the discs (fluid-filled cushions that protect the vertebrae from rubbing together) (3).

Avoid ergonomic chairs these can press on discs in your spine which leads to chronic pain and premature degeneration (4).

Check out – Home Remedies To Get Fast Relief From Back Pain

4. Weight Gain

measuring weight on the weighing machine

Of course, when you don’t walk around, the body stores fatter, and cholesterol, which causes weight gain.

So when we sit lipoprotein lipase enzyme stops which means we are not burning fat causing weight gain.

Sitting for more than 6 hours a day to store cholesterol, along with other fatty molecules puts you at a greater risk of weight gain.

And yes, excessive weight attracts many health problems like heart attack, high BP, Sugar, diabetes, difficulty in being pregnant, etc.

Learn – Obesity, And Pregnancy, Is Any Relation B/W Them, Risk

5. Pile Risk

Blood vessels inside our anus swelled, when stool is a pass, causing bleeding when stool is pass, so this condition is called piles.

Sitting continuously for a long time and with a tight cloth puts constant pressure on the lower muscles, which in turn causes irritability in that area.

If your driver, sitting job person, etc so avoid long periods sitting, which may increase the risk of piles.

6. Type II diabetes Risk

Sitting for a lengthy period can relax your largest muscles.

When muscles relax, they take up very little glucose from the blood, raising your risk of type 2 diabetes (5).

NOTE: Long periods can result in changes in the body’s metabolism, including insulin resistance, and lead to type II diabetes.

One study showed that people rest for only 5 days. the result was an increase in insulin resistance which led to diabetes.

Also, studies suggest that sitting or lying down along with daily 1-hour exercise may help prevent diabetes.

Learn – Natural Ways To Prevent Pre-Diabetes And Diabetes

7. Weak EyeSight

A doctor test glasses on a girl

Most hours per day we constantly sit – where – In front of mobile and computers because of this, we face all eye issues.

Nowadays our lifestyle makes us sit much more than we move around.

Weak eyesight is common, and one of the main reasons is our gadget blue light, which directly hits our eyes, causing dry eyes and blur vision.

8. May Promote Cancer

Cancer is a group of cells involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.

Research from (the American Cancer Society) found that women who sit for 6 hours are 10% higher risk of getting cancer, compared to those who spend less than 3 hours per day.

The risk of prostate or breast cancer is increased by 30%.

Some studies found that sitting for a long time is allied with some types of cancers, kidney issues and heart diseases.

Certain types of cancer may also increase in men including lung, colon, and uterine, the reason is not entirely clear.

Other risks of sitting a long time

  • Poor blood circulation
  • buttocks pain
  • depression and anxiety
  • varicose veins
  • DVT (deep vein thrombosis)

How Much Sitting is Considered?

There is no accurate value, but every 30 minutes take a break and move every body part to increase blood circulation, so all body parts work properly.

Although today’s lifestyle has become such that we have to sit, the human body is not made for sitting, so make sure to walk as much possible as.

Here the sitting time has been told which is being told for knowledge only. include:

  • 4 hours per day is enough
  • 4 to 8 hours per day is medium risk, make sure to take a break after every 30 minutes.
  • 8 to 11 hours per day may indicate a high risk of multiple diseases, so make sure to reduce the timing
  • 11 hours red alert (divide the hours)

Tips To Reduce Sitting Time?

Here are some tips that reduce your sitting time. they include:

  • Walk every 30 minutes after sitting
  • Choose to walk and cycle from home to the office
  • Avoid sitting in a public place, like public transport, the metro or get off early and walk to your destination
  • Do 1 and 2 hours of daily exercise
  • Be active in outdoor games
  • If you work at a desk, try a standing desk or use a high table or counter.
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Walk around when you’re on the phone.
  • Do some home works like cleaning, cooking, washing clothes, dancing, yoga, etc

Down Line

Sitting for a long time is one of the major reasons for back pain also the backbone bends inwards.

Although today’s lifestyle has become such that we have to sit, the human body is not made for sitting, so make sure to walk as much possible as.

Long-period sitting can result in changes in the body’s metabolism, including insulin resistance, which can lead to type II diabetes.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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