Top 8 Yoga Asanas That Will Help In Relieving Stress

A gril doing yoga asana

Stress is one of the leading mental health issues that cause anxiety and depression, and yoga for stress is one of the best ways.

And the best yoga one for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs.

Yoga for relieving stress involves a series of posture, breath control, and meditation, you just do 30 minutes of yoga daily to ease stress.

Apart from relieving stress, and anxiety issues, yoga has various benefits for mental and physical health including:

  • Decrease the risk of diseases or illness
  • help in a live happy life
  • improve flexibility, balance
  • support joint
  • promote sleep
  • teaches many lessons of life and exercises
  • boost self-confidence and self-esteem

It is important to find a style, and motion of yoga that is ideal for you, and to listen to your body.

If you are new to this, then follow the guidelines and do it with a yoga instructor to ensure that you are practicing safely and correctly.

Check Out – Instant Stress-Busting Relaxation Techniques

Yoga For Stress Relieving

Here are the Top 8 yoga asanas that are excellent for relieving stress and anxiety are:

Child Pose (Bala asana)

Practising yoga can help reduce stress by lowering your stress hormone (cortisol) and increasing the feel-good hormones (endorphins).

  • Sit in the Vajrasana position and then bend forward, and try and touch your head to the ground.
  • Stretch your arms straight or keep your arms on the side, but feel totally relaxed
  • Bend forward, for some time and then come up breathing in
  • breathe deeply and focus on relaxing your body
  • hold this pose for up to 5 mint

Also best yoga asanas for migraine headaches, also help you to calm the brain nerves, increase blood circulation, and ease lower back pain.

This yoga is also best for stress-related issues including insomnia (a sleep disorder where a person has difficulty falling asleep)

Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

This asana is completely made to make you feel relaxed, and whenever you feel relaxed your body releases feel-good hormones.

  • Just lie down with your back on the surface (2)
  • Relax your body, stretch your legs, and keep your legs away a little bit from each other, also keep your arms a little bit away from the body
  • Take a good position, and hold this position, for about 5 to 15 minutes

Cut down your all connection to the world for some time, just feel you are on the cloud, and come up refreshed and energetic.

There are some Related Relaxation Asana which include:

  1. Nispandha Bhav (Motionless state of your mind)
  2. Sukhasana (sitting in a comfortable position)

Practice this asana for 5 to 10 in rush time, it would really good. whenever you get a chance to lie down, lie down and go to Savasana.

Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

This yoga calms down your stress, through gives you several benefits that improve your body awareness and balance (3)

  • Stand with your feet and your hip-width should be apart and your arms at your sides. start with taking a deep breath in.
  • Fold forward and reach your hands towards the ground. if you are not able to do it comfortably then, you can keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Place your hands on the ground keeping your back flat and your head should be relaxed (5)
  • keep holding the pose for a few seconds, make sure to focus on your breath, and let go of your worries and thoughts.
  • Finally, breathe in and slowly lift your back, returning to a standing position.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana to Bitilasana)

This yoga asana can improve posture and balance, also allow you to breathe in each movement, and is ideal for those with back pain.

  • Start with your hand and knee, as you can see in picture (4)
  • inhale and lift your head and your tailbone, and make your back arching, letting your belly toward to ground which is called the Cow Pose.
  • then breathe out, and let your back towards sealing, tucking your chin towards to chest and bringing your tailbone towards to knee, this is Cat Pose.
  • keep continuing this posture 5 to 10 times, and make sure to inhale in Cow Pose and exhale in Cat Pose.

During inhaling or exhaling, make sure your worries, stress, and anxiety are related through also going out.


It is a practice in which a person uses a technique that includes focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity.

Research also reveals that regular meditation can help by changing how the brain responds to stress and anxiety.

To perform meditation:

  • Choose place – Choose a relatively silent place with minimum distraction which will keep your focus on the path.
  • Sit position – Sit on Dhyaan mudra, which is the best posture to meditate, if you can’t concentrate, start by saying “Om
  • Take a comfortable seat, not in bed, on the floor with a mat.
  • Close your mind – When you’re ready gently close your eyes. take a moment and notice any sounds in the environment. notice your thoughts and emotions.
  • Focus on breathing – A most vital part of it, is to focus on breathing, don’t think of anything else, just breathe in, and breathe out.

If you experience any type of distraction start saying “Om” which cuts the disturbing sound and makes your focus on “Om”.

Several research reveals that meditation can really help people suffering from stress and depression to lead a happy life again.

Leg-up-the-wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This is a very relaxing posture that all types of headaches, also regulates good blood flow, boosts energy, improves digestion, also soothes the menstrual cycle.

It provides deep relaxation, improves blood circulation, and helps to stretch the legs and lower back.

  • Just lying on your back with your legs up against a wall.
  • position your hips next to the wall and a few inches away.
  • relax your arms at your sides and close your eyes.
  • hold this position as long as possible

NOTE: This advice is provided that pregnant ladies and high blood pressure people do this yoga only under the supervision of guidance.

Make sure, breathe properly in each movement it may take some time to experience its benefits, so do it regularly.

Anulom Vilom

It generally keeps your tension away and calms down your anger

  • Sit on Dhyan mudra, close your eyes
  • now, take a deep breath with your right nostril, and during the breath, your left nostril should be closed with your finger.
  • then, hold your breath for 5 -10 seconds, after that, breathe in with the left nose, during breath, the right nose should be closed.
  • do this 5 to 8 times daily.

Anulom vilom is the most effective for relieving stress, even leaving your B.P. pills, and building up immunity. Swami Ramdev” “says”

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

It stretches the chest, lungs, shoulder, and abdominal muscles, helping to relieve stress, and fatigue, and excellent way to relieve back pain.

  • Start by lying down on your stomach on the mat, and your feet should be straight.
  • now, inhale and press your palms to lift your chest and head off the ground.
  • keep your elbows bent and close to your body, and hold this posture
  • pose for a few breaths, focus on breathing, and calm down your tension.
  • now came back to the same position slowly.

Those who are disturbed by back pain should definitely try cobra asanas once.

How Does Yoga Help In Reducing Stress And Anxiety?

Yoga is the best option to reduce stress, as it teaches you to control your breath and mind.

In a study, it was found that during 12 weeks of yoga, there was greater improvement in mood and greater decreases in anxiety, compared to the walking group.

During yoga, the body releases pleasure or feel-good hormones (endorphins), and reduce stress level by decreasing cortisol levels (6)

If you are a beginner in yoga, you may feel fine the first day of yoga, but the next day, it may lead to discomfort and pain.

Really can manage stress and negative emotions, by increasing positive emotions and helping mental balance (3)

How Beginners Start Yoga For Relieving Stress and Anxiety?

If you are new in this field, or interested in starting yoga for its several benefits, then you have to remember a few steps include:

Yoga Classes – If you don’t know what to do in yoga, then you should join yoga classes, where the instructor tells you how to stretch, move, and flex.

Start Slowly – Don’t jump to a higher level, it may lead to serious injury, start with simple easy asanas and then gradually increase.

Pay attention to your breath – Focus on your breath and timing of breathing is also vital which helps in reducing stress, try to control your breath.

Choose a quiet, and comfortable place to practice – A quiet place helps you to focus on one thing, which creates a calm and relaxed sense.

Relax – Make sure, to relax your body and mind to relieve stress and anxiety, because yoga is all about relaxation.

Forgetting everything, being present at the moment, and letting go of your worries and thoughts away.

Down Line

Stress is the leading cause of mental health issues, which are associated with physical illness including heart disease, high BP, etc.

Yoga is considered one of the best ways to reduce workplace tension, and anxiety feeling, which overall improves your sleep quality.

Pregnant ladies first consult their doctor, if they get the green light from the doctor, then they should do it under the vision of a partner or instructor.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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