In today’s time, heart disease become a common concern, and you should know about it and its early signs that indicate a heart attack.
Our heart pumps the blood nonstop throughout our lives. Every organ depends on the heart to deliver fresh, oxygenated blood.
According to the MED Life report, 40% of Indians who are below 55 years of age start having a heart attack.
NOTE: Another report published by DNA says that by 2030, deaths due to heart disease are likely to increase by 2.3CR.
WHO estimated that around 18 million die from heart disease every year. In India, this estimate is more than 17 lakhs.
What Causes a Heart Attack?
A heart attack occurs when the heart doesn’t receive enough oxygenated blood, which is necessary for it to work properly.

But why the heart can’t get enough oxygen? because when the blood vessels are blocked due to plague, and fatty deposits.
This plague leads to narrow vessels, as we old, and enough blood can’t flow to the heart, causing a heart attack.
However, there are other secondary reasons for the deposit of plague and fat in blood vessels including:
- Triglyceride, it found in all types of oil
- Cholesterol, this only found in animal-related food, and plant based doesn’t contain cholesterol
- Stress, can make the situation worse
- High blood pressure
- Sugar, because sugar creates spikes on blood vessel walls, because of plague starts accumulating there
- Tobacco realted products
Early Signs of Heart Attack
According to the CDC, 50% of people who die from coronary heart disease are even don’t know about signs.
So it is important to know the early signs of heart disease as well as the risk factors so it can be treated by early diagnosis.
Chest Pain or Discomfort
It is the most common sign of heart attack and chest discomfort which includes tight squeezing and intense pressure on the chest.
These chest pain may or may not be associated with normal chest pain. And this pain may also radiate to your:
- Arms
- Neck
- Left shoulder or arm
- Abdomen
- Jaw
- Throat
- Teeth
It lasts for a few minutes or suddenly happens, then that is not associated with normal gas or acidity chest pain.
So make sure to talk to the doctor, which will early diagnoses like scanning, and recording electrical signals of your heart.
Irregular Heartbeat
It is very vital for our heart to beat with a rhythm, due to which the blood can reach the whole body properly.
If the beats get out of rhythm including the heart skipping, irregular, very fast, and slow can be a sign of a heart attack.
Talk to the doctor, if you notice any abnormal change in your heartbeat, because it may be some other condition.
Although, a healthy heart lifestyle can help prevent heart damage that can trigger certain heart arrhythmias.
Unspecific Sweating

According to the University of Illinois at Chicago, sudden sweating, and discomfort in the chest, arm could be signs of a heart attack (1)
One study found that heavy sweating is a common symptom of heart attack, so consult the doctor immediately.
Based on several studies reported that hyperhidrosis is a common symptom of heart failure in both children and older adults (2).
In addition, there are other reasons for no sweating for no reason are include:
- Certain medicines intake
- Diabetic person
- Obesity
- Anxiety and depression
- Spicy foods
- Hormonal changes, especially occur in women
- Overactive thyroid
Shortness of Breathing
When the heart doesn’t pump blood properly, then blood often backs up, causing building fluid in the lungs which causes difficulty in breathing.
Shortness of breathing is a frequent symptom of heart failure and chest pain (3).
Patients with CVD may experience chest pain and shortness of breath separately, while many others experience both together (4).
According to the aha journals, this symptom is often attended by chest discomfort, although chest pain can precede it.
However, shortness of breathing can also be seen in some other illnesses such as:
Women are more prone to heart attacks with other common signs like shortness of breath, nausea, and back pain (6).
When blood circulation is reduced then the brain may not get enough blood which leads to poor oxygen supply.
Then usually person experiences vertigo and dizziness.
The studies calculated that 10% of patients with cardiovascular disease experienced dizziness as their main symptom (7).
However, there are some other reasons for lightheadedness such as:
- Sudden drops in blood pressure are the most common reason for it.
- Dehydration
- Medicine side effects
- Lower blood sugar
- Stroke (8)
Back pain

Several health-related studies are allied with lower back pain, including cardiovascular disease (9)
When it asked by heart patients what they felt while a heart attack, so they said back pain, fatigue, chest discomfort, etc.
Therefore, there are many causes of back pain including:
- Heavy lifting or pulling
- Poor sleep position, sitting
- Slipped disc issue
- Any injury on back
- Health conditions or situations like pregnancy, or liver issues
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People have these early signs of a heart attack, and even vomit, Chambers says. Women are more risk than men.
A heart attack usually more occur in older people, and people who have more indigestion issues.
In addition, there are many other reasons for nausea including:
- Motion sickness
- Early signs of pregnancy
- Medicines
- Liver swelling
- Food poisoning
- Certain infection
Who Are More At Risk of Developing Heart Attack?
Age: Old age increases the risk of damaged and narrowed arteries and weakness of your heart muscles.
Heart Health
Gender: Men are at higher risk of developing heart disease, but in women, this risk increases after menopause.
History: stroke, attack can also increase coronary artery disease, especially if your parent develops it at an early stage.
Smoker: It is one of the main causes that not only affect the heart but trigger overall health, which contain many chemicals.
One of the chemicals is nicotine and carbon monoxide that damage the inner lining of arteries, causing more risk of a heart attack.
Poor diet: It include high sugar, cholesterol, oil, iron, fat, salt which make huge contribution to the development of heart attacks.
Lack of exercise person: Physical activity, whether it is yoga, running, swimming, plays a vital role in living a healthy lifestyle.
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What Should We Do In a Heart Attack Situation?
If you see someone falling due to a heart attack, then in this situation you have to act asap because every single second is very vital.
- Call an Ambulance as soon as possible.
- Give them aspirin or nitroglycerin (in form of medicine or spray) which act as a blood thinning.
With these ways, you can avoid heart attacks for a short time and during this time take the person to the hospital ASAP.
How Can You Prevent Heart Attack From Furture?
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
It is one of the best ways to prevent many diseases, a healthy include:
- Don’t skip a meal
- Avoid processed food.
- No smoking and excessive alcohol
- Do daily exercises, at least 1 hour like running, brisk walking, etc.
If a person is already suffering from a heart attack then they should adopt a healthy lifestyle with proper prescribed medicines.
Tips to reduce the chance of falling into the heart attack category are:
- Avoid non-veg, or reduce excessive because it contain cholesterol
- Manage your stress, because it can pump up the situation to get worse.
- If you are already a patient of heart attack, then you should reduce the amount of oil on food or if possible try avoiding oil on food.
Down Line
Heart attack and stroke are leading causes of death globally.
Do exercise daily at least 1 hour like briks walking, running, swimming, yoga, more enhance in physical activities to avoid heart disease.
So it became important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, with exercise.