Reasons for an irregular heartbeat or abnormal, which happen when the heart runs very fast or very slow, which is also called “arrhythmia“.
In this situation you also notice, discomfort, pain, pounding in the heart, which you also feel in your throat, chest, and neck.
Atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) is a common cardiac problem, which affects 34 million people worldwide, with high morbidity and mortality.
It is a serious issue, so talk doctor immediately, if you feel any kind of discomfort on the heart side. and get quick doctor support if you face:
- Pain on heart
- Shortness of breathing
- Anxiety
- Unconscious feeling
- Persistent mild pain in arm and shoulder
An irregular heartbeat can happen due to many potential reasons include – stress, anxiety before an interview, underlying medical conditions, etc.
Here are 10 possible reasons for an irregular heartbeat which include:
Anxiety and Stress
This is one of the most common, or the main reasons for irregular heartbeat, which even triggers even at rest, and can anyone.
Stress not only increases the frequency of irregular heartbeat but also the destructiveness of abnormal heart rhythms (1).
Anxiety disorders also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, about 3rd to 4 times higher, after sex, substance use, and depression (2) (3).
Many meta-analysis reports that heart rate variability (HRV) reduces depression, and alcohol dependence (4) (5).
Basically, both stress and anxiety increase high blood pressure, which causes irregular heartbeat.
Another study shows that anxiety disorders are allied with a significant reduction in HR, with a small-to-moderate effect size.
Medical Condition
There are many medical conditions, which lead to irregular heartbeat, whether it is a slow or fast heartbeat. which include:
Diabetes: According to a diabetes study, diabetes is linked with a 40% more risk of developing an irregular heartbeat.
A meta-analysis showed a 20% increase in the risk of developing an irregular heartbeat for prediabetic patients (6).
Whereas, this number was observed with a 28% probability in patients with diabetes.
High blood pressure: Of course, high blood pressure causes irregular heartbeat, especially if you already take medicine or do not follow a healthy lifestyle (10).
Lower sugar level: A meta-analysis showed that doses depend, rises in glucose may be an important contributor to the irregular heartbeat (4).
Overactive thyroid: Hyperthyroidism can speed up your body’s metabolism, causing unintentional weight loss and a rapid or irregular heartbeat may occur (11).
Anemia: In this condition, your heart pumps more blood to make more oxygen in the blood, which causes a rapid or irregular heartbeat (11).
Fever: When you are in a fever (the temp must be above 100 degrees), your body uses up energy faster than normal, this can set off palpitations (9)
Sleep apnea: Those who have sleep apnea are more at risk of having an irregular heartbeat (12)
Study results showed that patients continuously report palpitations after caffeine ingestion (1).
Physicians also advise patients with irregular heartbeats to avoid caffeine (12).
A meta-analysis of data on humans showed no significant effect of caffeine intake on the occurrence of ventricular premature beats (VPB).
However, two studies have shown on coffee drinking and events irregular heartbeat risk showed no association (2) (9)
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Palpitations (fast or irregular heartbeat) are common symptoms during pregnancy, however, some women may feel a more fast heartbeat (12).
During pregnancy irregular heartbeat not only happens but the entire body is affected including increased blood pressure and volume.
Where the heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout the body and to the growing infants, which increases the heart rate (11).
For this, you don’t need any treatment, it is considered that during this time women should adopt a healthy diet and a lifestyle that include:
- Drink enough water daily about 2 to 3 liter
- Don’t eat too much food or too low food
- Exercise
- Avoid excessive caffeine, sugar, salt, carbs, and fat
- Do breathing and relaxing exercises
In addition, hormone change also plays a vital role in fast or irregular heartbeat, especially in women where menopause, pregnancy, periods occur.
Check Out – Pregnancy Diet: 8 Super Ideal Foods That Are Eaten During Pregnancy
Vitamin C, and D Deficiency
Studies revealed that vitamin D deficiency leads to predisposing people to irregular heartbeat and sudden cardiac death (2).
A study showed that irregular heartbeat only recurred in 4.5% of people who received vitamin C after cardioversion for a persistent irregular heartbeat.
A research report that lack of vitamin C is allied with a more chance of mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) (11)
Vitamin C may slightly improve endothelial function, especially those with low plasma vitamin C levels.
NOTE: Vitamin C food sources include broccoli, dietary supplement, citrus food like amla, oranges, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit, etc.
Another study showed that low vitamin D status was not allied with diminished heart rate Variability parameters in a low cardiovascular risk group.
NOTE: Vitamin D sources include Sun is an excellent source of vitamin d, salmon, mushrooms, egg yolks, cow, soy milk, and orange juice.
Overall, there is low evidence, which is proof that vitamin D leads to an irregular heartbeat.
Certain Medications
Yes, certain medicines can lead to irregular heartbeats, such as over-the-counter medicine (OTC), which can cause or worsen arrhythmias (3).
Common medicines that lead to arrhythmias include:
In addition, in animal studies, tachycardia increased the levels of oxidative stress markers (12) (13).
While oxidative stress increased the susceptibility of isolated hearts to tachycardia (13).
Illegal Drugs Uses
One study suggests that illegal drugs such as cocaine, cannabis can promote the development of irregular heartbeat by 35 to 80%.
Another research shows that alcohol and illegal drugs are arrhythmogenic and are associated with irregular heart (atrial fibrillation).
Many studies indicate hemp seeds can promote good heart health, by lowering bad cholesterol, high blood pressure levels.
Excessive Alcohol And Smoking
People who are deep alcohol drinkers are more at risk of heart-related issues, like heartburn, heart disease, heart attack than people who do not drink.
A study showed that mild to high alcohol intake was allied with an increased level of irregular heartbeat among people aged 55 or older with cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Another study showed heavy or binge drinking is allied with an increased risk of incident irregular heartbeat in the general population.
Cigarette smoking may promote coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which also might cause irregular heartbeat.
Nicotine may contribute to the development of atrial fibrosis, which has been shown to favor the event of irregular heartbeat (14).
Overall, research has shown that alcohol and smoking both can contribute to a fast or irregular heartbeat.
Genes contain our DNA (which contains all the information necessary to build and maintain a body), if genes don’t work properly can cause diseases.
First – Ioci is a specific physical location of a gene or gene address, which is called locus (15)
A 2011 study has indicated, common genetic variants are associated with an irregular heartbeat in the general population.
A mutation in the same gene was the first identified genetic defect linked to an alone irregular heartbeat (4), and there are more studies out there.
Still, there are more studies and research on humans are needed in this subject.
It is one of the common reasons that lead to high blood pressure, which is a common emotional feeling.
Anger increases the fight-to-flight response, and when this happens, a stress hormone called adrenaline, and cortisol level, speed up the heart rate (1).
Among the emotional factors, anger is strongly associated with the triggering of ventricular arrhythmias (2)
The study showed that anger triggered abnormal heart rhythms in patients with ICDs.
Obesity is one of the second biggest risk factors for atrial fibrillation after high blood pressure.
Many studies have shown that obese or overweight people are prone to, or are at more risk of irregular heartbeats.
A study showed that patients with undergoing cardiac surgery, with high BMI are a major risk factor for postoperative irregular heartbeat (1).
It is seen that people with obesity had a 40% more risk of developing atrial fibrillation than those who are not obese (5).
Obesity not only leads to irregular heartbeat (AF) but also causes multiple diseases including increased BP, heart rate, joint pain, difficulty being pregnant.
Another study shows that Irregular heartbeat is allied with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
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Talk to your doctor immediately, because the irregular heartbeat is a serious health condition, which may also be an underlying medical condition.
There are other reasons for irregular heartbeat such as – being overweight, hormonal changes, which mostly occur in women, stress, medical condition, etc.