Alcoholics are more at risk of heart-related issues, like heartburn, heart disease, and heart attack than people who do not drink.
A study showed that excessive alcohol intake increased the level of heartbeat among people aged 55 or older with other diseases.
Another study showed heavy drinking is allied with an increased risk of incident irregular heartbeat in the general population.
Cigarette smoking may promote coronary artery disease and (COPD), which might cause irregular heartbeat.
Nicotine may contribute to the development of atrial fibrosis, which indirectly contributes in heartbeat (14).
Overall, research has shown that alcohol and smoking both can contribute to a fast or irregular heartbeat.
Genes contain our DNA (contains all vital information to build and maintain the body), if genes don’t work properly can cause diseases.
First - Ioci is a specific physical location of a gene or gene address, which is called locus(15)
A 2011 study has indicated, common genetic variants are associated with an irregular heartbeat in the general population.
A mutation in the same gene was the first identified genetic defect linked to an alone irregular heartbeat (4), and more studies are also available.
Still, there are more studies and research on humans are needed in this subject.
It is one of the common reasons that lead to high blood pressure, which is a common emotional feeling.
Anger increases the fight-to-flight response, and when this happens our stress hormone (adrenaline, and cortisol) speed up the heart rate (1).
Among the emotional factors, anger is strongly associated with the triggering of heart normal rhythm (2)
The study showed that anger triggered abnormal heart rhythms in patients with ICDs.
So control your anger, and frequent anger issues may damage your blood vessels.
Down Line
Talk to your doctor immediately, because irregular heartbeat is a serious health condition or trigger other health issues.
There are many reasons of irregular heartbeat such as being overweight, stress, illegal drug use, medical conditions, and so on.
Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.