Best 6 Natural Ways To Treat Thyroid Disorder

doing warm up

Millions of people suffer from thyroid issues, and some of them adopt medical ways or natural ways to treat it.

Around 42 million Indian people are suffering from a thyroid disorder, and hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder.

There are 2 types of thyroid disorders are – overactive thyroid (it makes high levels of T3 and T4, this condition triggers the metabolism)

Underactive thyroid: In this, the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones.

Natural ways to treat Thyroid disorder

Here are the best natural ways to treat thyroid disorder with home remedies:

1. Exercises

a man is running

There are an increasing number of studies that suggest that exercise can improve thyroid function.

Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent or control any diseases, like good for diabetes, high blood pressure, weight loss, etc.

High aerobic exercise affects the level of circulating thyroid hormones (2) such as swimming, cycling, walking, rowing, and running, known as cardio.

Strength training, whether lifting weights or using your body weight, building muscle helps you burn more calories.

There are many other benefits of doing exercises such as:

A study suggests that regular exercise can decrease TSH levels and increase T3 and T4 in thyroid patients.

One study involved 20 patients who were divided into 2 groups. the first group involved exercising an hour 1 daily for 3 months.

The second group did not do any physical exercises.

As a result, a significant reduction in serum TSH was observed in the regular exercise groups, compared with the non-exercise group.

Check Out – Ideal Exercises During Pregnancy Plus FAQ.

2. Healthy Eating

What kind of diet you take has a deep effect on your life, for example – excessive iodine is one of the reasons for an overactive thyroid.

However, iodine deficiency is one of the commonest causes of hypothyroidism in children and adults, worldwide (3).

Here are common diet tips that you should take for thyroid disorder:

  • Consume rock salt, or naturally contained food, instead of refined salt with synthetically added
    • Seafood (fish and seaweeds)Whole grains
    • Dairy products, but avoid in excessive amounts or regular basis.
    • Bananas
    • Carrots
    • Non-iodine salt
    • Egg white
    • Honey potato
    • Oats
  • Grains and breads are common dietary origins of iodine (4).
  • Flavonoids in fruits, vegetables and tea that could positively affect the cardiovascular, do suppress thyroid function in high doses (5).

Food To Avoid

  • Goitrogen food, which can interfere with the normal function of the thyroid (6), such as:
    • Kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels, sprouts, cauliflower, peanuts, straw, berries, bamboo shotscorn
    • sweet potato
    • tofu
    • soy milk

NOTE: This food contains a high level of goitrogens, so make sure to cooked well, and avoid eating raw.

  • Avoid excessive iodine intake
  • Junk food, whether it is processed, or street food, these are very good to make the situation worse, so avoid it.
  • Caffeine
  • Avoid cold refrigerated water and avoid food that comes immediately from the freeze.
  • Soy products
  • Gluten foods such as – malt, flavoured milk, wheat, etc.

Also, a gluten-free diet may bring clinical benefits to women with autoimmune thyroid disease (7).

If you notice sudden weight gain or loss then you should consult the doctor it may be some other serious concern.

3. Selenium

A micronutrient that supports thyroid function, is also essential for brain function, immunity, and fertility (8).

Researchers found that patients who consume selenium saw a temporary improvement in thyroid function at 6 months follow-up.

Selenium contains rich food such as:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Organ
  • Meats
  • Mushrooms
  • Chicken rice
  • Walnut oil is often used in thyroid disorders because it contains selenium, a mineral that contributes to thyroid function.

Selenium acts as a shield (antioxidant), by removing oxygen-free radicals caused due to thyroid hormones (9) (10)

4. Lose Weight

A dark color women grabbing her stomach

Almost every patient with thyroid dysfunction may see changes in body weight and body composition (11).

An underactive thyroid has been associated with obesity, whereas an overactive thyroid has been linked with underweight (12).

Movement like – sports, exercise, yoga, and any physical activity, plays a vital part in weight loss or gain, which is vital in it.

If you are overweight due to thyroid, make sure to lose weight, which can help you to a great extent, and do the same in hyperthyroidism.

You can lose weight with a healthy diet, proper hydration, and daily at least 1-hour exercise, and increase it gradually.

Check Out – 10 Reliable Weight Lose Foods

5. Acupuncture

It is a traditional method that is still used in China to improve the flow of energy.

20 clinical evidence of overall the glob revealed that it is a safe and cost-effective treatment that can reduce patient symptoms (13).

Also improvements in biomarkers where acupuncture was used alone or in combination therapy.

Studies suggest that acupuncture therapy can bring benefits to thyroid patients, however, more studies on this.

In addition, it can help pain relief and functional improvement, without additional treatment, based on several studies (14).

6. Yoga

Several studies have shown that yoga helps help hypothyroid patients to manage their disease-related symptoms (15).

NOTE: Keep in mind that these yoga poses cannot cure your thyroid imbalance, but can control the thyroid to a great extent.

You must practice yoga, there are some very specific breathing exercises for the thyroid.

Here are some super effective yoga asanas such as:

Tank Vidya

This person simply hums the sound of “OM” without opening the mouth, and gently keeps moving their head up and down.

Ujjayi Prayanam

Close your mouth, tighten your throat a little, and breathe in.

Allow the air to pass through the narrowed throat to create a friction sound, hold the breath as long as possible, and exhale slowly.

Do it for 5 minutes, You might experience a little coughing in the beginning, but it is normal.

Lion Pose (Singhasana)

This pose makes your body and face like a roaring lion, and it’s recommended as one of the best postures to get rid of the thyroid problem.

Do it 10 times, and keep in mind, do it early morning or evening.

In addition, there are increasing studies saying that the combination of yoga, like therapy, can help in night sweats, and decrease CVD.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

In cobra asana lifts your head up and takes your head back, simply giving stretch over the neck and compression over the back.

So both the places are activated, similarly, all such back bending asanas like:

  • Dhanurvakrasana (bow pose)
  • Ustrasana (camel pose)
  • Chakrasana (wheel pose)

Down Line

Thyroid disorder is a condition where the thyroid gland produces too much or too little thyroid hormones.

Many several ways that reduce the chance of thyroid disorder like exercise, a healthy diet, yoga, losing excessive weight, etc.

If you notice any discomfort and sudden weight loss and gain then you should consult to the doctor.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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