Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital protein for the human body, which we saw in the previous posts but today we will talk about it.
But why it is essential or important for us? there are several reasons why you should add it to your diet such as:
- Good for brain health
- prevent heart diseases but promote heart health
- reduce the risk of eye illness
- good for pregnant and breastfeeding women
- has anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties
- reduce the risk of several health illnesses or diseases like cancer, thyroid, etc
Do you know lack of omega-3 fatty acids leads to inflammation, rough, itchy, etc skin, joint issues, slow wound healing, risk of mental disorder, etc
Just make sure to consume it in a moderate amount, and if you are in a heavy dose of medicines, talk to your doctor before consuming it.
Types – Not all are Created Equal

Omega-3 fatty acids are divided into 3 types:
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): It is a type of fat, that means good fat, which is found in nuts and seeds like walnuts, peanuts, flaxseeds, etc.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): The name is hard to pronounce right? but it is another kind of good fat, which is found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna, etc.
It is considered best for heart health by reducing inflammation, decreasing the chance of clots (responsible for heart attack), etc.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): It is good for brain health, especially for young children, which is found in dietary items, and in fatty fish.
EPA and DHA are mainly found in fatty fish of high quality such as salmon, tuna, sardines, etc, and ALA is found in plant-based foods.
However, Our body also produces some ALA, and EPA, and then convert them into DHA, but in a small amount.
Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are not only found in fatty fish but there are several foods, oils, and supplements that are high in omega-3.
- Fatty fish (salmon, tuns, sardines, and mackerel)
- nuts and seeds are also rich in omega-3
- oil (soybean oil, coconut, canola oil)
- supplements come in various forms such as capsules, pills, powders, tablets and liquids.
It is good to consult your doctor, before adding any form of supplement to your diet, as it may affect your health negatively.
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acid
Omega-3 fatty acids offer several health benefits from hair to heart health,
Promote Heart Health
As we told you omega-3 fatty acids contain EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) which is best known for its promoting heart health.
But how can it promote heart health there are several ways:
Reducing the triglycerides level: It is a type of fat, that is found in oils, but it raises the risk of heart attack, and omega-3 lowers triglycerides level.
Raise HDL level: It is known as good cholesterol, which helps in removing bad cholesterol levels from the arteries.
Prevent plaque buildup: Plague is a common reason for heart blockage, which over time narrows and blocks the arteries, leading stock.
And omega-3 helps in preventing plaque buildup in arteries.
Reduce inflammation: It also plays a vital role in heart diseases and consuming omega-3 reduces the risk of inflammation.
Several studies reveal that omega-3 fatty acids are good for health in many ways, so adding them to your diet is a good choice.
Good for Brain Health
Omega-3 fatty acids contain DHA which is an excellent choice for promoting brain development, especially for babies and young children.
A new 2023 study displays that people who have a high level of omega-3 in their bodies have a better ability to solve problems.
One more study exposes that people who have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids have a lower risk of forgetfulness at older age.
However, there are several things that can promote brain health including:
- Exercise like yoga, running, etc
- meditation
- reading books, and writing articles
- consume right food
- avoid alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc
Fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, and other sea foods are an excellent source of it, and for vegetarians nuts, and seeds are best.
Promote Stomach Health
Yes, omega-3 fatty acids help in reducing stomach issues, by offering good fat which prevents any kind of illness risk.
A 2023 study demonstrated that omega-3 can help in reducing inflammation (responsible for IBS, and other illnesses) in the intestine.
One more study reveals that omega-3 can protect the stomach lining, which can be damaged by ulcers.
Here are other ways that help promote a healthy gut:
- Hydrate yourself
- consume more fiber food like oats, avocado, seeds, apples, etc which decreases the risk of constipation.
- do regular poop
- drink warm water every morning which promotes a healthy gut, and helps in weight loss.
It also raises the production of bile (it is a kind of liquid that breaks down fats in the digestive system)
Help in Weight Loss
Omega-3 helps in losing weight in several ways such as boosting metabolism, reducing hunger, and offering low calories.
A study showed that omega-3 helps in weight loss, by reducing hunger, and satisfying fullness, resulting in less food consumption.
One more study found that older women who receive fish oil supplements have increased metabolism, which is good for losing weight.
Here are some other foods and things that help in lose weight:
- Fruits are low in calories like apples, avocado, kiwi, citrus fruits, etc
- yogurt
- leafy green vegetables
- nuts
- whole grains
- oats
- do exercise daily which converts your calories into muscle mass
Make sure to gradually lose weight, fast losing weight make raises the health concerns, such as dehydration, dizziness, etc.
Prevent Disease Risk
Yes, omega-3 fatty acids contain ALA, EPA, and DHA, which is a healthy fat, which protects against several disease risk for example:
Reduce the Risk of Cancer: A study has shown that omega-3 in cancer patient diets can be helpful during treatment, due to contain of fatty acids.
Lowering the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Studies reveal that fish intake reduces the risk of developing AD (4), and symptoms of AD.
Prevent Depression Risk: Research shows that its supplement reduces depression symptoms in mild to moderate depression patients.
It is vital to talk to your doctor if you notice or experience any kind of discomfort, it may be an underlying medical condition.
Good for Pregnant Women
Yes, omega-3 fatty acids can be benefical during pregnancy for bother mothers and infants.
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy has shown improvement in infant development (5).
A study showed that during pregnancy omega-3 supports infant growth, much in the eye, and normal brain function.
However, it is important to talk to your doctor about how much you need to consume and consume it in moderate amounts.
Overall, omega-3 are vital for pregnant women by maintain healthy weight, brain developement, reduce the pregnancy complications.
What about – Children and Adults
DHA is good for children’s growth, which plays a vital role in maintaining normal function in brain and vision health (5)
Make sure to talk to your doctor if your children are under the age of 3 or infants, what is the dose?
See, dietary and nutrient absorption decreases as age increases, which raises the risk of malnutrition, and several health issues (6)
Older adults should add omega-3 fatty acids to their diet, which is good for their cardiovascular, boosts immunity and bone health.
Research has shown that it reduces the risk of dementia or forgetfulness and cardiovascular illness in older people.
Who Needs More Omega-3 Fatty Acids?
Here are some people who need more omega-3 fatty acids which include:
- People with suffer from High BP, cholesterol, depression, AD, etc
- pregnant and breastfeeding women
- older adults to prevent several older age issues like bone, low eye vision, etc
- young children for growth
- person who are underlying medical condition
- If a person is on medication, just make sure to consume it in moderate amount
- people who do not eat fish
- digestive issues peoples
Healthytalk8 do not consider any type of supplement, so go with fatty fish, nuts, and seeds to fulfil the omega-3 need.
If you have any doubt about it, then you should talk to your doctor, they will help you.
Down Line
Omega-3 fatty acids are loaded with healthy and good fats, which reduce the chance of heart attack, and promote brain health.
Fatty fish, like tuna, salmon, and other seafood. And on vegetarian nuts, and seeds are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Talk to your doctor, if you are on medication or have an underlying medical condition, so doctor will tell you how much is good for you.