8 Actionable Steps to Prevent Heart Attack Risk

a old Indian woman doing yoga during menopause

Heart Attack

You can prevent heart attack risk by exercising, eating healthy food, limiting fast food, managing stress, etc.

A heart attack is a common heart disease that needs immediate medical emergency, which occurs when blood flow to the heart suddenly stops.

However, a blood clot is a common reason made in arteries which becomes the reason for blockage.

The most common reason for heart attack is cholesterol (mostly found in animal food) and triglycerides (found in oils).

However, several other trigger factors highly contribute in heart attacks such as:

A study of worldwide data has shown that key heart disease factors are high blood pressure and dietary choices.

Common signs of heart attack are:

  • chest pain and discomfort in arms, especially in the right arms
  • shortness of breath
  • lightheadedness
  • fatigue
  • nausea
  • heartburn
  • irregular lower, and upper back pain
  • dizziness
  • flu

If you notice in someone these signs then you should immediately call the ambulance.

a old Indian woman doing yoga during menopause

Who is More Risk of Heart Attack?

Several people are more at risk of it, if you fall in this category then you are more likely to have heart attack:

  • Older people
  • diabetic patients
  • family history
  • smokers
  • lack of exercise
  • poor lifestyle like eating excessively processed food
  • stress
  • obese people
  • high blood pressure

8 Actionable Steps to Prevent Heart Attack Risk

Several ways to clean your arteries to prevent heart attack, actually the thing is you cannot clean your arteries in the literal sense.

However, these tips are not magical tips that completely clean your arteries, you have to change your lifestyle to reduce heart attack risk.

There are several tips to clean your arteries to prevent heart attack are:


Most of heart attacks occur due to excessive processed food consumption which leads to heart disease due to high levels of oil and other particles.

Diet plays an essential role in our overall health, so focus on green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins.

The best source of these are fish, chicken, kale, spinach, oranges, apples, berries, papaya, broccoli, nuts, seeds, and virgin oil.

Fish fish like salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids and this omega-3 contains EPA which are best to know for its promoting heart health.

It reduce heart disease by several ways like:

  • Reduce triglycerides level
  • raise the HDL (a good cholesterol) level
  • prevent plague buildup

Studies indicate that omega-3 is good for health in many ways, so adding them to your diet is a good option.

Limit Unhealthy Food

Unhealthy food are most common reason for heart disease and becomes the reason of heart blockage due to triglycerides.

So if you are a heart patient, then your doctor may have told you to reduce your oil intake significantly, which is good for lowering the risk of a heart attack.

Triglycerides are found in oils, like saffola, sundrop, olive, fortune, and rice bran oil all oil are triglycerides (Tg)

So if you wanna reduce your heart attack risk then you have to limit your unhealthy food.

Overall, regularly eating fast food can lead to respiratory issues, heart disease, and mental and physical health issues.

Get Regular Exercise

Daily physical activity promotes overall health, whether it is mental or physical, and reduces the heart disease trigger factors.

Yoga is one of the actionable strategies for older individuals who are more at risk of heart disease, engaging in physical activity can maintain wellness.

Indian Health Journal, shows that people who participate in cardiac rehab programs show better blood flow and lower levels of cholesterol, than a normal person.

Here are get regular exercise help with:

  • Lowering the blood pressure
  • controls cholesterol level
  • improve blood sugar control
  • reduce stress
  • promote weight management
  • boost overall mental and physical health by releasing the dopamine hormone

Do at least 30 minutes to 1 hour of exercise daily, make sure to start gradually and increase day by day.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obese people are more at risk of heart and respiratory disease due to excessive fat which makes it hard to pump blood to the heart.

High blood pressure is also a common cause of heart attack, and obese individuals are more prone to the risk of developing this.

Numerous studies have shown that obesity and heart attack are linked with each other and also allied with other health issues.

So make sure to maintain a healthy weight to prevent several illnesses.

Quit Smoking

Smoking increases the risk of developing lung disease, and respiratory illnesses including lung cancer.

Studies have revealed that smoking can cause a buildup of plaque in your blood vessels that increase the risk of:

  • Blood clots
  • chance of heart attack or disease
  • stroke

A 2021 study revealed that smokers experience their first sign of cardiovascular disease as a stroke and heart attack without any warning.

But why smoking is quite too hard? When you smoke, it triggers dopamine by stimulating the brain.

Over time nicotine makes smokers happy or pleasurable sensations that make smoking highly addictive.

That is why when a person tries to stop smoking, unpleasant mental and physical changes when you are going to quit smoke.

Manage your Stress

Stress is one of the common triggering factors for heart attack, where chronic stress increases the cortisol level which triggers inflammation throughout the body.

There are several ways to manage your stress like:

Take Enough Sleep

Sleeping is an important part of our everyday life which overall supports physical and mental health.

Stress can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, on the other hand, sleep deprivation can increase stress levels.

It is recommended that a healthy adult should sleep for 8 to 9 hours so that they are charged for the next day.

A 2023 study on the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific session found that people with insomnia had a 69% more chance of experiencing a heart attack.

See your Doctor Regularly

Regular checkups allow individuals to do early check-ups, which help to find any disease before getting worse.

If you experience or notice any discomfort on the heart side and see sign of heart attack, then immediately talk to the doctor.

healthytalk8 does not recommend any medication, so talk to your doctor if you notice any discomfort.

Overall, heart attacks can be prevented by eating a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, manage stress, take enough sleep, etc.

Down Line

Heart attack is the most common heart disease that needs quick medical service, where blood flow is blocked in arteries.

The heart is an important part of our body that pumps blood throughout the body that keeps alive our cells, muscles, veins, and brain.

Individuals can prevent heart attack risk by managing stress, getting enough sleep, exercising, eating healthy food, and so on.


Hello, I'm Sahil bisht, I am a Mechanical engineer, As well as, aspiring blogger with an obsession for health. This blog delicate to people who want to learn in health.

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